Sunday Roommate Dinner

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dinner is ready to be served, and the table set! It will be a tight squeeze in the kitchen! Tonights dinner menu, Hawaiian Haystacks with homemade gravy chicken sauce, fresh homemade rolls and cake bites!
We improvised with some chairs around the house!
Ready to time to wait for the guests to arrive! At dinner it was fun to talk and catch up with everyone and see how they were all doing!
We were fourtante to have Morning, Shelly, Megan, Emily and Staceypants over for dinner! Megan was cracking me up modeling in these pictures. She is awesome! Here and I need to play some Donkey Kong asap!
We got to play a little Mario Cart on the Wii. Good times and lots of laughs! Morning rocked at it and got first place everytime!
Megan and I taking pictures of each other taking pictures.
Cutest husband ever to do all the dishes, and let me play Nientedo with all my old roommates! Tonight was a successful fun night! After the roommates left, Jake and I went to several neighbors houses to drop off some cake bite treats that I had bagged up yesterday! We had fun talking to the neighbors and getting to know them better! Now that the blog is caught up...time for crafts and TV! Wahoo! Sundays are great!

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