The first weeks of February

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Now being an official house wife I have been trying to be more domestic! For dinner I made Jumbalia soup for dinner and then a fruit pizza for desert! We ate the fruit pizza for some yummy breakfast left overs as well. Very nutritional... I am loving our cute octopus plates and currently only have two sets. We use those and a few of Jakes childhood plates until the rest of our dishes come in the mail! Jakes parents are awesome and got us the rest of our dinnerware for Jakes upcoming birthday! Thanks mom and dad! Best gift ever! This is our new kitchen table! We got it online at Target and were very pleased with it! Our house is finally starting to come together nicely! All we are waiting for is some kitchen items to come in the mail, and then a chair and our house will be done! Then we will put up some pictures of our new home
I made valentines funfetti cupcakes! I was so excited to finally use this super cute cupcake stand! Thank you McKlay family! I have found that with making cupcakes with four eggs, no water, amount of vegetable oil on the package and one cup of butter milk makes the best cupcakes ever! I am learning that if I make treats I need to hurry and take some to the neighbors or Jake will eat all of them. Literally. Maybe the only other time will be Jakes birthday.
Made some Betty Crocker blueberry muffins. Betty and I have been becoming the best of friends lately! She always gives really good suggestions on how to do some good cooking stuff. These muffins were good but I feel they needed some more sugar inside them. They were fun to try for breakfast and use up the rest of the blueberries that were going to go bad. I feel the hardest thing so far for me as a new house wife is using up all the food before it goes bad. I need to come up with a system.
Jake is the best at helping around the house! We found out that we do not have a dishwasher (except one on wheels that hooks up to the sink...which is good but..) for two people it is easier to hand wash the dishes.
Jakes a good sport at trying out food I make. Hes a trooper. Todays meal was stuffed salmon tomatoes. The tomatoes guts were taken out, chopped up, mixed in with rice, fresh cooked salmon, cucumber and ranch dressing with cheese on top and put in the broiler. It was good, but if I ever make it again I would probably do tuna guts inside instead or heat up all the insides before putting them in the tomato. 
Jake surprised me and brought me home flowers! He is the best! Thanks Roberts for the super cute vases! Love them!
Pizza always hits the spot! Dominos has been cookin up some amazing pizza lately. Deep dish, fantastic and regular garlic crust!...fabouls! This pizza was delicious, especially with ranch to dip it in! Jake and I ate pizza while we watched Kronks new groove and caught up on the Bachelor episodes. Ok, lets talk Bachelor. Such a trashy show, but so entertaining. Probably should not watch it, but.......
Early Valentines present! I was telling Jake about the cutest books my friend Aimee was telling me about to decorate with and Jake ordered me some for valentines! Thanks team! I love them! If you don't like to read, reading a cute book would make all the difference. This is a book you could judge by the cover. (That line was really cheesy.)

I decided since Valentines was coming up we needed to make the house more appropriate for the season. I watched a lot of season five of "The Office" and cut out a bunch of hearts and put them together! I was exited to punch hole and put in cute brads with my "cropadile.' Jake took pictures of the hearts he liked the most. Here they are. Each heart was double sided so the weight would be even. They have been spinning in our kitchen all week. It has been fun! 

Dont mind the clutter on the table....were still moving in..haha but we hung up the hearts in the kitchen!

As the days are passing, the flowers are blooming and looking more beautiful! They are also starting to smell even better to!
Put the valentines present on the bookshelf! I like it! Jake thinks we may need a few more books. Well see. They are inside the shelves on the turtle tank! I also put the apple juice bottle with the topaz in it from when Jake and I got engaged. Funny.
The books in place.
Jake and I had a fun night meeting up with Marin, Drew, Heather and her freind Garret. We all met up and then went on an adventure out to find some hot pots.
Jake met an Indian friend on the way. He was a kind soul.
We saw a group of deer on the way so we got out of the car and tried to catch one to see if he wanted to join us at the hot pots. We were also lost and wanted to ask the deer for directions. They neighbors whose house they were in front of ended up telling us instead.
We have arrived. Time to jump in.
This is the edge, close to the water. The pots were really fun. It was probably only two feet deep so you could sit in the warm water and feel warm mud beneath you. There were pot holes in threw out the water. Marin and Heather were cracking me up though because they were walking around finding the holes and they would just drop and sink! The holes were like muddy quick sand with a warm whorl pool inside. Quite cozy. Well have to go back for another fun adventure!

We put the camera on a log. It worked out well. After a fun time and all nice and warmed up, we were hungry! We stopped at In-and Out Burger for a midnight snack before we went to bed! We all smelt of some serious sulfur.
This is the awesome Valentines/Jakes Birthday package! Thanks Mom! Full of lots of great stuff and yummy treats!
Saturday was a great day! Jake and I woke up and he worked on some school work while I did an eyelash client! I love doing eyelashes! I need to start to build more of a cliental! They are so much fun! Then I felt like some chocolate chip pancakes, so made some of those!

After I went to Costco to meet up with Stacey. We both had some groceries to get and thought it would be fun to go together. Jake stayed home to do school work. While at Costco, a lot of adventures happened. I got there a little earlier, so I decided to look at the jewelry. I found a really cool ruby ring. Maybe someday that ring will be on my finger. Then Stacey and I went side by side down all the isles at Costco, trying samples and getting our groceries. Stacey told me about the wonders of Pesto Sauce. She told me about wonderful mozzarella, tomato spinach sandwiches she would make with it! She sold me with that so I had to get pesto sauce! and later today a panini sandwich maker! We even saw Heather Parker! Costco felt like a great success! After a good trip we took our items up to the cash register. I went to get my debit card out to pay for the items I had selected and somehow my card was not in my purse. I went for a back up card, that was not in my purse. I went for backup number three, and no where to be found. Then I realized my license was gone to. Then it hit me. My goods were still in my snowboarding pants. Well, I then called Jake to come save the day. Then Staceys items rang up. Then it was discovered her Costco card had expired. So then we thought, oh lets just use my Costco card. But Mr. Costco said that if we used my card I had to pay for it. I had no cards to pay with. Stacey and I were laughing so hard. Holding up the line at Costco on a Saturday is frowned upon. Oh well, they ended up just letting Stacey and I pay. Then we waited for Jake to arrive to get our groceries.  When he got there we jumped back in line. My neck was so itchy. It had been itchy since I got dressed earlier that morning. I realized there was a tag itching my neck. My dress was on backwards. A dress that has frills and pleats in the front and a playing back was on backwards. Woops. Time to go home and change. 
After going home and changing Jake and went to go run some errands. We ran to Bed Bath and Beyond to go get a panini maker! We used it on Sunday with the pesto sauce.....yummy! Thanks Stacey for the great suggestions! Then we ran to BYU to get some special heart shaped Junior Ments. We have been to multiple stores looking for them and they are no where to be found. Then we got a yummy snack at Taco Bell. Ok, coolest thing we learned! You can get any burrito from taco bell and ask them to grill it! It made it so much more yummy! Recommend that to all Taco Bell lovers. Next we went to the phone store to see what they had to offer for family plans. This is new to us. Next, we went to pick up some flowers Jake had ordered for me! He wanted to pick up the flowers with out me but the store was going to close so we went to go get them any way! 
Here are the flowers! And the fabouls Junior Mints! Jake told the florist at the "Flower Patch" that he wanted the flowers to reflect a desert (like arizona). He also told him he wanted Billy Bobs in it! I thought it turned out cute! I like them!

After taking the flowers home we thought we would run to Ikea really quick before we met some friends for dinner. Jake thought since I put my dress on backwards, it was time to get a mirror for our home. I would agree with that. We got a super cute, huge mirror that we both really liked from Ikea! Then we drove down to meet up with our friends Heather and her lover Tanner. He came in town from the holy lands of Arizona. We met for dinner at the Bombay house! 

We love the Bombay House! Two nights in a row! Wahoo! Tuna and Jake are looking at this picture. Its a good one. After a yummy meal, we went to Target to do some grocery shopping for our upcoming Valentines Fondue adventure. More to come on that....!

Sunday was a great day! We got to go to church and we are really liking our new ward! Then we made some sandwiches with pesto sauce on our new panini maker! After five loads of laundry, scpyping and cleaning the house, we ended the night watching "Naked Gun." It was hilarious. A great old time movie.

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