Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This was Jake and my's first valentines as a married couple! We were excited for this fun day to come! I woke up in the morning and realized Jake wasn't there. Then I looked up at the door and he walked in with breakfast! Cute boy! Ok, I have a challenge for anyone that looks at this blogpost. Look up "Gordon Ramsie"- how to cook a perfect egg! Jake followed his you tube video on how to make perfect scrambled eggs and they were fabouls! They were so fluffy and tasted so cheesy and there was no cheese in these eggs! crazy! Jake did put jalepenos in them though because I could eat those in every meal! This was a great way to start the day! Then Jake got the movie "Naked Gun" going for me to finish while I ate breakfast because I feel asleep watching it the night before and wanted to finish it!

After watching the movie, I got ready for the day and then went to run some last minute errands. 
I forgot that if we were having dinner at home we would need candles and a table cloth! So after some adventures at TJ Max, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, I found some things we could use for our Fondue Dinner! Our first Valentines we spent together we had dinner at the Melting Pot. We thought it would be fun to do our own Melting Pot dinner, so we bought a Melting Pot cook book and went for it!
When Jake got home I was so excited to give him his Valentines and part of his Birthday Present! Ever since he has had a gold wedding ring, he has wanted a gold watch. He has never really had a watch he wears alot so I was excited when I found this awesome Burberry mens gold watch! I thought it was so cute! Happy Valentines Jakey! He loved it! He just needs to take it to store to get some links taken out of it.
Right before Jake got home our new chair came in the mail! Our poor landlord had to carry it in. Shes a trooper. I was so excited I took it out of the box right away so it would be cute in our living room when Jake got home. It is smaller then we thought it would be, but we still like it! and Love the color!
Well now it is time to make dinner! Pinch bowls are my new favorite cooking tool! They are so handy to get everything ready so you have it to through in what your making when you need it! We were getting ready to make our cheese bacon fondue!
We didn't realize we needed a double broiler and our stainless steel pots have rubber on the bottom of them so we had to get creative! We used a pot instead! Surprisingly it worked really well!
All our toppings ready to dip in cheese! The potatoes and bread were my favorite. Jake liked the broccoli! The peppers were good, but oh the potatoes!
Course one is ready to be served! We left the pan with water underneath to keep the cheese a good consistency. We liked this cheese mix but it was not our favorite. If we were ever to make this one again we would do half the recommend horse radish. It was just such a strong taste it seemed to over power the cheese. Maybe next time well try the swiss cheese.
For our main course we marinade steaks! They were delicious! We were going to do the boil sauce and raw meat like they do at the Melting Pot, but I am so glad we didn't because without a dishwasher, the dishes seemed endless! Have you ever cooked steak in the oven? It was delicious! First you sear each side of the steaks in a pan and make the fire alarm go off with all the steam....(the fire alarm is right next to the oven where steam sets it off). Then you put them in the oven at 450 degrees for 10 minutes and it makes super juicy, yummy steak!
So remember how I love the Bachelor show? Well, Jake and I took a break from dinner and ate our steak and watched the Bachelor! It was awesome! After, we decided to do all the dishes pilled up in the sink before we started cooking dessert because after dessert would mean more dishes.... only one plate dropped and broke in the process....
Last but not least, Turtle carmel Fondue! Ok this was great!!! We loved this one! We used chocolate chips to melt and it worked great! For some reason this picture caught the steam from the pot and made it foggy. The strawberries, bananas and pound cake were my favorite in this concaution. Jake liked the strawberries, Oreos and marshmallows! This was a great dessert to end the night!

I am not going to lie, after so many dishes(even though Jake did most of them) and cooking a big meal we were so pooped. Ok, I was really tired and wanted to sleep. So Jake was so sweet and finished up the dishes while I got ready for bed. We read scriptures, said prayers and watched Signified. I think after I feel asleep Jake watched Fringe. That show is to scary for me to watch. This was an awesome Valentines! As much fun as making a big dinner was, I would only recommend either doing a desert or appetizer fondue or else its to much work! This is what I would do if we did it again,
Option one....cheese fondue, grill steak, Golden Spoon in freezer for dessert.
Option two...salad, grill meat, chocolate fondue.
Less mess and clean up, and still good food to eat!

Awesome Valentines 2011!


  1. hey Kelsey!!! so fun you have a blog and congrats on getting married. I am in love with that chair and am trying to find one for our house. is that one from urban outfitters?

  2. you are making me hungry! I haven't tried steaks in the oven- but I have 2 in my fridge and I will try it tonight- thank you! maybe with some twice baked potatoes? yum! That was pretty adventurous to do all that melting pot craziness- way to go. and I love the blue chair- so fantastic.
