d is for Disney, h is for Halloween!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday afternoon we took off for the lovely California! Tuna, Shi Shi and Wrinkles were cozy in the back seat.
We got there around 11 at night and we joined my mom watching the latest episode of Project Runway! Then we watched X Factor. That looks like it will be an interesting show! Then we all went to bed because we were waking up bright and early to go to Disneyland! Wahoo!!!
Brandon and Bryce were cracking me up all day! They LOVE Jake and wanted to play with him all day!
Grandma and Brandon! This is Brandons first time to Dinseyland! He was sooo excited! He had no idea what was in store for him! I think Jake may have been more excited than Brandon that it was his first time to Disney. He kept talking to him and telling him all about it! I think Jake is going to be an awesome dad someday!
Isn't this so cute! Disneyland decorated for Halloween! Ah, I was sooo excited! I thought it was sooo cute! I loved all the holiday decorations! I have never been here at Halloween time when they have decorated for it! First we went over to Disneyland to get a locker.
We got to hear the Disney Marching band and see Alice and the Madd Hatter.
After we got a locker we headed to California Adventure to start the day off!
Best buddies. Jake and Brandon looking at some rides together.

We were so excited to try the new Little Mermaid ride! It was fun and cute, but not as good as I expected. I felt they made Ariel look to far fetched from her original character. It was a cute ride though.
Brandons first ride! Cute kid!
I love these shells. My dad and I would collect them on the beach when I was little when we would walk through all the rocks. I liked how they were toppers on the railing on this ride.
Walking over to the 3d Toy Story ride. Sadly, California Screaming ride was closed...They were repainting it.
I was hoping I would get to ride in the Bullseye ride and we did!
Brandon and I's scores. This is such a fun game!
Inside the swinging ferris wheel.

We saw so many Disney Characters today. It was fun. Brandon was loving seeing all of them! He wanted to wait in all the lines to get his picture with them! I thought that was really cute.
I was so glad to see the Corn Dog castle was back! They closed it down for construction and was now back open! Whoop Whoop! I love a good corn dog!
Jake, Bryce, Amber, Brandon riding on Goofys Flight School. It used to be the mouse trap/cheese ride and was painted blue and changed to Goofys.
On the jumping Jellyfish ride.
This is my favorite area in California Adventure. I think it is just so cute! The lighting bug lights are my favorite part in it.
I can't stop laughing at this picture. Brandons face is to great! He is a trooper! His first scary ride!
Brandon recovering after The Hollywood Tower of Terror. It was fun going on this ride after watching the movie!
Amber packed a back pack full of treats. Water bottles for everyone, apples for everyone, 3 cans of Pringles, bags of Harbio gummy bears, cheese its, nilla wafers, fruit roll ups, rice crisps, only all pink and red starburst bags and a ton more stuff! She is the party animal for sure! It was so nice having treats to snack on all day! We sure ate them up!
Riding Grizzly Rapids! Jake got soaked! The rest of us were fine. Sorry Jakey!
We have now entered DISNEYLAND!
We headed to our favorite ride to ride it first. AHHH it was closed for the day! So sad. I feel next time I go to Disneyland I need to ride pirates 100 times to make up for it!
The haunted mansion! I love the decorations in here! So neat!
There were pretty orange and yellow flowers planted all over for the holiday!
Bryce is a great driver on the Dumbo ride! He is awesome!
On the Peter Pan ride! This was Brandons last ride, and I think his favorite! Amber took Brandon home and came back later to party with us!
Watching the parade! Look it is Rupunzels tower!
Simba! I loved this parade! I think every Disney movie and character was represented! It was fantastic!
We were all hungry for a late dinner so we ate at the Pizza Port. It was great! Then we did all our favorite night time rides! Matterhorn,  Thunder rail road, and Space Mountain. They made Space Mountain transform into a halloween ride. There was fire and ghoul sounds! It was great! I love sitting by Amber on these rides because we play Jello. Where you just let loose and pretend you are jello and hanging around all over. Its the best! I lost my voice from screaming and laughing so much!
You can't see cute Bryce in this picture, but he is there next to Jake. After riding Space Mountain a few times, we headed over to Indiana Jones! We rode the ride, and then got stuck at the very end. AFter about a fifteen minute nap, I woke up and they let us ride the ride again! We didn't even have to get out! It was a PERFECT way to end our night!
I thought these were so cute! I love how Disney makes everything themed!
Bryce was a trooper! He was such a blast to be with today! Here he is with his cute Mickey sugar cookie he picked out to take home! We played at Disneyland from 9am to 12pm! I love long Disney days! We got home at one thirty because we had fun looking in the shops and buying treats down Main street. When we all got home and went to bed, we were out!
Saturday was a fantastic day! In the morning Jake and I went and tried wet suits on. THen we did some shopping at my favorite Irvine Spectrum! LOVE that place! Then we met mom for lunch at BJ's Brewery. One of our favorite places to eat! Buffalo Chicken pizza...my favorite! Then we ended the meal with the best desserts of chocolate chip cookies pazzokies! Yum! When we got home, mom and I had 30 minutes before Amber came to pick us up for Women's Conference. Of course, we were so tired, and mom and I feel asleep and woke up to Amber knocking on the door! Sorry Amber! We hurried and put on our church clothes and headed over to the Stake Center. Women's Conference was great! I loved President Uckdorfs talk on "The forget me not" flower. So cute. After we had a great dinner of salad and corn bread and cookies in the cultural hall. It was great! Then we came home and the boys were just getting back from dinner. Here is a cool video of some raccoons they saw on their way home!
After Women's Conference we went to Ambers house! While the boys played Halo and watched a fight on TV,  the girls we watched TV. Then later we went to In and Out Burger! When everyone left and went home, I stayed at Ambers and we had fun talking and making some plans for some upcoming boutiques we have going on! Wahoo! I did not want to leave the next day. I was not ready to go home. I guess thats how you know it was an awesome trip!
Jake and I had a great drive home! On our way we stopped at Max Brenners in Vegas for some food! Oh it was delicious! We love this place maybe a little to much. I got a yummy southwestern avocado caesar salad and Jake got a steak panani!
At Max Brenners you can never leave without having dessert! We decided to try this time caramelized waffles topped with bananas and ice cream, drizzled with chocolate! It was really good. I am glad we tried it because it helped me realized I just want all chocolate items! The waffles were good, but I think the chocolate heart with always be my favorite there!
It was a beautiful drive home the rest of the way! I love car rides with Jake. We had fun talking and singing along to Britney Spears. It was a great drive and a wonderful trip! Thanks family for a fantastic weekend! Love you!

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