Here is Staceypants as we were waiting for the show to start!
Here is Stacey looking cute. The show was in the parking lot in front of the salon. They had a stage and music system set up for the event.
Here is the owner of the salon Cory talking about the purpose of this Pretty in Pink show. It was to support a ladies family who the mom died of breast cancer and left two young girls.
The show was fun to watch and had a variety of girls with all different hair dues and makeup.
I liked Rupenzel. I think the salon did a great job with everything. I had a hard time taking a fashion show seriously in Utah (I guess because its Utah. But I guess thats why I love Utah because it is always full of surprises and fun things to do), but overall they did a good job and it was fun to be at! It was fun to be there and support Emily! I will probably go again next year :) I think everyone did a ton of hard work and it ended up being a great production with lots of fun hair and makeup. We got swag bags. My favorite items in it were the free Great Harvest loaf of bread and the Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcake! There were other fun things in it, but those were my favorite!
Boys with their shirts off? I defiantly didn't get this part of the show....
Emily did such an awesome job! It was fun to go see what she likes to do! She is awesome at makeup!
When I got home Jake and I watched Americas Next Top Model episode 3, cycle 17. They did a challenge of stilts and it was interesting. Then I read more of my Kingdom Keepers 2 book and finished! I really liked it! It took place in Florida's Disney Animal Kingdom and it seems like a fun place! I have never been and would like to go someday!
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