nintendo addict for life

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tuesday was a great day! I got to spend the morning playing gameboy...for way to may hours and then went on a bike ride. It started pouring rain on the bike ride and made for an exiting time, and a fun one. I got super drenched and enjoyed a refreshing ride, but a bit scary going down hills with no working water brakes. When Jake got home from work, we went to Rubios and Yogurtland. So, sad story, my favorite flavor at Yogurtland has disappeared and been replaced. No more guava pineapple yogurt. And they were out of carmel cups, my favorite topping! And no more Hello Kitty bowls and spoons. Sad day. It also means, summer is officially over :( 
That night I got to talk to my dad on the phone for a few hours! That was awesome! Then Jake and I watched some movies. We watched "The Devil Wears Prada" and that was great! A fun movie! Except it makes me want to get extremely fabouls clothes...and shoes......and bags...
Then we watched "Drop Dead Gorgeous." Oh wow, that was hilarious. Its a fake documentary on pagent girls. It is like the movie "Best in Show." I thought it was just as good! Loved it, except for some bad words in it. Laughed the whole time.
Wednesday was a great day! I got to go meet Jakes mom for a bike ride. We did a really fun trail and had fun talking and riding our bikes. After we went to the Draper Temple and did a session. I think this may be one of my new favorite temples. It is beautiful! It is full of beautiful paintings and wood decor. Its cool how it is in the middle of a neighborhood to. I loved it! I had a great time spending the afternoon with my cute mother in law! She is the best.
When I came home, I played Nientedo till Jake got home. Then we went to In and Out Burger, came home and made peach smoothies, and played more Nientedo. I am working on trying to finish getting 100% On Pirates of the Caribbean Lego game. It was a great day!

Thursday was a good, good day. I got to go to the Dentist and he made sure my new mouth guard I got is working right! Then, I went to the bike store to get Jakes dad some new grip tape for his bike! (his birthday present!) I saw this super cute jersey and had to get it for Jake! It I loved the colors of it! The back was even super cute of it.
Then I went to the grocery store! Jake and I are going to have a halloween party, and we have beens so excited about it, so I went to get some supplies for it! While at the store, I got to talk to my mom on the phone and my sister Hayley! It was great! When I got home, I made dinner while Jake went and helped the neighbors move. When he got home we ate. I made stuffed zucchini. It was good. It was just ground up meat, tomatoes, garlic, spaghetti sauce, green peppers and some spice baked inside.
For some reason after dinner I felt like cupcakes. so we made some of those. Funfetti are always delicious.
 So I finally got done with Pirates Video game and Jake got me Zelda as a surprise! I was so excited to play it I stayed  up till 5:30 am playing it.........I forgot how fun all nighters are. There is something so fun about staying up when you know you are supposed to be in bed.
Friday was a whole lot of fun! In the evening, Jake had some things to do, so I got to play with Megan! I love date night with Megan! She dyed her hair brown! It looks amazing! I forgot to take a picture! Her and I played Donkey Kong all night. We were on a roll and were doing so good! We are at world 6 with all KONG pieces and all Puzzle Pieces for every level. That has taken some serious time and dedication, but so worth it! We went to the gas station, got treats and pigged out! For dinner we had stuffed peppers. They were pretty good. We even had cucumbers from my neighbors garden as a side and were so good! I love fresh veggies! I want to grow a garden someday. Thanks for a fun party night Megan!

Saturday was a great day! Jake made me a yummy Chocolate Chip Pancake breakfast and then we headed down to Salt Lake. We went to OC Tanner and took some rings in to get resized. Then we did a little shopping at The Gateway and Jake helped me pick out some really cute shirts! Thanks babe! Then we headed to Bombay House to meet Jakes family for his dads 55th birthday dinner!
Here in the picture is on the left, me, Jake, Dad (Kimball) little Clair, Mom (Sue), Right Side, Joanna, Nathan, Cameron. We had an awesome dinner of a ton of good Indian food! YES!
After a great dinner we went to Jakes parents house for dessert. Mom made an awesome apple pie! Here is dad blowing out his birthday candles! Claire did a great job putting them in the pie.
Jake is so versatile. Here are a few of his different looks. bahaha
Here is dad and some of his birthday presents he got! Awesome! Birthdays are so fun! We forgot to take a picture of him opening our present. (Babe the movie, and new bike tape.) This was an awesome birthday party! Happy 55th Birthday dad! We love you!
When we came back, we stopped at a few stores to get some nieces and nephews some presents for to send some more packages!

I love using my Hello Kitty tape. It makes everything look so good. After getting the packages all wrapped up, we watched episode 6 of Project Runway. I was glad Anya won. I loved her shaved sides on her hair. SO CUTE on her! I really liked their runway show and all the items and prints they made. It made me want to make my own fabric. That sounds sooo fun! When we went to bed I had some crazy dreams. I dreamed my family and I were on an outer space cruise and lava exploded out of a volcano, and everyone was dying, me and my family got separated and it was me, Jake, my dad and my sister Hayley, and we found an cast iron ship and docked it and sailed in the lava to outer space Texas and went to Staceypants house. Weird.
Sunday was a great day at church! I love our Sunday School class. They are so great! Jake and I went to choir practice today, and it was really fun. I think there is something so special about music. It can be so moving and touching. I love music. When we got home we made pizza! Rhodes rolls make the best mini pizzas and are so easy to do! This has been an awesome week!

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