I got my ear peirced!

Monday, September 19, 2011

This has been  great week! It has defiantly been one of those weeks that I overbooked my self to much and got a little stressed out realizing I need to start sewing. It was a fun/wonderful week though!

Tuesday I got to meet my visiting teachers at an Indian food restaurant for lunch. Stacey and Heidi were there names. I had a lot of fun getting to know them, and so happy I finally have visiting teachers! I got my favorite shrimp coconut karma and chicken tikkia masala. Yum! The rest of the day I realized I have 3 boutiques coming up and I have not been sewing at all... I realized I need to start getting some things ready to sew. I cut out a bunch of things and then left for a Relief Society ward evening. It was a great time. They invited all the young women, so that was fun to get to know some of them and some ladies I have not had the chance to spend some time with in the ward. It was a great meal and good company. 

Wednesday I was really looking forward to. Jakes mom had planned a fun day for her and I to go to Manti Utah to go to the temple there.


I left my computer to go to the bathroom and came back and found Tuna leaned over on the keyboard and that message above was written on my blog. I am still laughing, that was really funny!

Anyways, Wednesday Jakes mom picked me up bright and early and we went on a drive to Manti! I have to say this is the coolest temple ever! It is beautiful inside and out! The whole inside of it marvelous! All the chairs, furniture everything is to the time period when this temple was built. I think they said most of it is original and hand done. Pretty cool! It was an awesome experience! I had fun being with my cute mother in law! I love how everyone thinks we are mother and daughter. It makes me feel special.
These are some cool facts about the Manti temple I got off of LDS.org
Here is the neat stair case. A cute temple worker gave us a tour of the temple and showed us these cool stairs. They are awesome to stand at the bottom of them and look up. I don't know how anyone in history built amazing things like this. Pyramids, stair cases, huge buildings....a mystery to me.

Thursday I volunteered to do a 3.5 hour shift at the Canary and can peaches! I actually had a really fun time! I would totally go again! This was my first time going to the Canary. I got to sort peaches out before they got cleaned and sliced up to be canned. I had to make sure the peaches were the right size and firmness. It was neat to see a big production happening. I felt bad rejecting the little peaches. I need to learn that not everything has feelings. Somehow though I think things do. After thinking the rejected peaches would probaly be turned into mulch and replenish a field and bring nutrition to it, I was happy.

When I got home, Staceypants came over and we had fun chatting. Then we headed to the mall to do a little shopping. Stacey got some super cute pants! Then we went to Claire's and got my ears pierced! One of my ears closed over and every time I try to put an earring in it, it becomes a bloody mess, so It was time to get it repeated! Stacey was so nice and came with me and held my hand the whole time. It made it better when I found out they could pierce my ears with Hello Kitty earrings! Yes! I was totally surprised that it really didn't hurt at all! I thought I may be in tears, but it was no biggie at all! I was glad I did it. Jake also asks me to wear earrings all the time, so I think this was a good move.
After we met cute Emily B. and her friend Stacey at Yogurtland. The four of us had fun chatting and eating ice cream.
When I got home I went straight to reading my book! I started Artemis Fowl 3 and was really wanting to finish it! So, I finished that book! For dinner Jake and I had went to In and Out Burger and got some yummy double double burgers! After we went to Barnes and Noble and picked out books! I got a new one I am super excited to start. So that was another reason on the push for finishing Artemis Fowl 3.
Even though it was 2am, I wanted to start my new book! So this is a new series I have never heard of but saw at the bookstore and wanted to try! It is called "Disney After Dark." It takes place at Disneyland in Florida. Anything Disney I usually love. I really like how the book was written and it was fun to read. I may be a little scared to ride "Its a Small World" now, but worth it! I want to get the other books in the series now to read them! I finished this book up Friday night!
Friday I got to wake up and go to Kneaders to for breakfast with my new friend Stacey in my ward and Lizza and her cute little girl Elsie. I got sourdough pancakes and they were delicious! We ended up staying until lunch time, when Elsie got and eclair and enjoyed it much as you can see from this picture! Oh she is too cute! 
I saw this awesome skeleton doctor man hanging at Kneaders and had to buy him. He now looks great in our house hanging on a hook in our kitchen! Buying him made me excited, and I went to some stores to look at Halloween Decorations! Oh holidays are way to much fun! I love decorations!When I got home I finished reading Disney After Dark until Jake got home. Then we watched Project Runway. That was fun! Then we played four rounds of the game Carcazone! I really like that game. It was a rainy evening to we decided to spend a fun evening in doors and eating candy corn. Then we watched some old TV shows from Jakes childhood. Wuzzles was one of them.
Saturday I read the book Matilda! I love that I now like to read. When I was younger or up until a few months ago I never touched any books. Now I love to read! Matilda was such cute book! I think Roald Dahl was a fantastic writer. His stories are all so creative and fun for any age. I loved how smart Matilda was and how she loved to learn and think.
I was supposed to play tennis with Megan today, but the rain put a damper on our plans. Thats ok, well need to go another day! I got this awesome text message from Stacey doing her triathlon in Saint George. I am so proud of Staceypants! I want to join her someday in a triathlon! She is awesome! I thought she looked so cute in this picture!
Saturday after a trip to the bookstore, we went to Applebees! For some reason we both felt like eating there! It was a great choice! Anytime I can have hot wings and chicken fingers in my same meal...you can't go wrong! After we explored Hobby Lobby. I didn't realize all the neat stuff they have there for hobbies. Like science kits, coin collection stuff, ext. Then we came home and watched "Dune." Crazy weird movie, but fun. Then we watched "The Golden Compass." I liked that one. It was fun. Then we finished off the night watching "Matilida." I think they did a great job casting the characters in that movie. They all played their part really well! A really great/cute movie. Then we worked on our Sunday School lesson and called it a day!
Sunday was a great day! We got to sing with the ward choir in sacrament and Jake even said the opening prayer! Here is Tuna and Doctor Bones getting ready to help with making dinner.
Dinner consisted of slow cooker sweet chicken, black beans, tortilla, tomato and avocado and cilantro lime ranch dressing. It was pretty good! I would like to make this again sometime!

The night ended getting ready for the Halloween season to come by watching "Tower of Terror." It was great! Jake and I thought they did a really good job with it from basing the movie off of a ride.  Then I stubbed my toe and it won't stop bleeding. Then we watched an awesome Mary-kate and Ashley hit..."Double Double Toil and Trouble." I forgot how this movie is legitimately scary. Its a good one. Then we watched "Little Shop of Horrors." That is a cute movie. A fun musical. I was surprised at how many young famous people were in it. Next on the list was a midnight stop at Betos for some burritos and then we watched some Alvin and the Chipmunks Halloween episodes! Halloween movie marathons are the best!

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