swiss day....

Friday, September 2, 2011

This has been a great week, but one of the busiest in quite a while.  Monday I got to clean and refresh the house with a million clorox wipes. My favorite! I love a fresh clean home! 

Tuesday Jake and I went for a great bike ride! It was so nice out side! On our bike ride I saw my old friend Devereaux Smith long boarding. It was fun to catch up! Jakes bike got a flat. bummer. Then we went to Rubios for dinner and I saw my old friend Cameron Hardy from high school and Robbie Zimmerman from my old Arlington ward. It was fun to see so many people I have not seen in a while!
Wednesday morning was a great time to wake up and see Marin and Heather! We had brunch at MiMis Cafe. It was great! I tired the poppy seed pancakes and loved them! I want to try and make some someday. This was a bitter sweet morning, because Heather announced she was moving on Friday to Arizona.

After breakfast, I went to the bike store to buy some new tubes and try on some biking sunglasses. Then I went to a doctors appointment for my fainting spells. I was scared to go because I have had the greatest experiences at doctors offices, so Jake came with me. He also bought me a treat! Hello Kitty stuffed animal!!! Wahoo! She can come to my Hello Kitty birthday party! And the appointment went well. I really liked my new doctor.

After the doctors I did some big time grocery shopping. I feel like the big cleaning items, household items all seem to run out at the same time sadly. So got some stuff at Walmart and then went to Costco. Heather was there working her last shift :( Ill miss you Heather. Luckily, I am glad you are moving to the Holy Lands of AZ because I will come visit you there all the time!
Wednesday night I had a snowboarding meeting for season pass sales. If you know anyone that wants a ski or snow pass please let me know! I am selling most resorts! The meeting went well and was fun. It was weird to see almost the whole crew married. Crazy. A lot happened this year. Then Jake and I drove to Staceypants to pick up Shi Shi for the weekend! Stacey said its ok if we baby sat Shi Shi so Tuna and her could have some time to play together. Tuna is loving this!
When we got home we read our books. I am working on finishing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Tonight checking my emails my brother in law John sent me this cute picture of my sister Amber going surfing! I loved it so much! It made my day seeing this! He said she had so much fun she was literally the last person to come out of the ocean that night. I love my cute sister!
Thursday morning I had a dentist appointment. I have been grinding my teeth at night and so I went to get a mouth guard.

Then I ran a lot of errands today. I drove to park city to get some things done, went to the party store and got some stuff for Heathers bridal shower, went and got more bike tubes because we found out we are doing a 50 mile bike ride this weekend...and did a bunch of other random stuff. On the drive home from Park City I thought it was so beautiful out. Here are some pictures I tried to take.

The doctor called me today and said they got my test results back and I look just fine. They are not sure why I have been fainting and having dizzy spells. Oh well....hopefully its over?
Stacey, Voltron and Hello Kitty at Yogurtland. I got to join them for an late afternoon treat. Then we went to the hair supply store to get new shampoo, conditioner, hairspray and some fun nail polish!

Then Jakes mom came over! Her and I went on a bike ride up Provo Canyon, while Jake went skate boarding with his friends Taylor and Shelby Frame. The bike ride went great and was fun! When we got home, Mom and I made potstickers, egg rolls and edame. When Jake got home from skateboarding we headed over to Yogurtland! Going to Yogurtland two times in one day makes for an awesome one!

At Yogurtland I saw my friend Melissa Magleby! It was fun to see her and catch up. She was eating a Smash Burger and it looked really good. I want to try it! Then I saw my friend Nicole and her husband Josh! It was the best ever! You know those friends you have been wanting to call so bad and think about it all the time and for some reason you don't. Well, thats how I felt, I kept wanting to call Nicole and hadn't, so I was sooo glad I ran into her! Her and I will have to start playing again for sure!
Thursday night, Jakes mom slept over so we could wake up bright and early to go to Swiss Days! I have been wanting to go there so bad and was so glad my mother in law wanted to go! So, Friday her and I got to go together. We had a grew time looking at all the booths and seeing the fun things there! They had live music the whole day, awesome vendors and great food! For lunch we got sandwich that was full of pickles, sour krawt, sausage and swiss cheese on pumpernickel bread. It was great! I really liked it! The pickle taste was strong though. It was good! For desert we got a yummy carmel apple to share! I am so grateful I have the best mother in law ever! I had a great time at Swiss Days. I think I am going to try and have a booth their next year!
Mama Harris was so sweet and bought me this cute beanie! Well, for our first cute girl to someday come! Then I got these cute earrings. Then I forgot, I need to get my right ear pierced again. Here is also the picture of the Swiss Miss Royalty. We got to meet some of them, and they signed this picture for me. They were really cute girls and were looking like they were having a fun time.
Then we came home and got ready to go on our weekend trip to Bear Lake for a 50 mile bike ride...

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