October General Conference Weekend

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday I woke up to Jake making me my favorite breakfast! He is the best! He made chocolate chip pancakes! They were delicious! Then we got tons of blankets and the treats out to get ready to watch General Conference! Ok, let me say, I LOVED IT! I thought so many great topics were addressed. I am so excited about the new temples announced to being built! I am super excited about the new temple for Provo. It really is a crowed temple and it will be awesome to have another temple in the area so lots of temple work can be accomplished! I loved President Uckdorfs talk. He always speaks in a way I understand and get his messages. I loved how he talked about how Christ knows us and is always there for us and loves us. I loved how there were many notes mentioned on using media and electronics for good things and promoting our testimonies of the gospel. I think that is fantastic! I loved the talk by Elder Anderson on how children are a topic for husband, wife and the Lord. I also loved the talk (can't remember who gave it) but it was on time management. That is something I really feel I could improve on in choosing how to use my time. I feel I should start making somethings like visit teaching, scripture reading and a few other things bigger priorities in my schedule than maybe reading and sewing all the time. I really think both Saturday meetings were fantastic! Oh, and the children's choir! SO CUTE! That was a big highlight for me to see those cute kids singing their hearts out!
After Saturday Conference, Jake went to Salt Lake to meet up with his dad, and brothers Nathan and Cameron to try and get into Priesthood Session at the Conference Building. They waited in a long stand-by line, but they got in! After, they all went and ate at the Lion House, where Nathan used to work as a chef! Jake said he got the ribs and they were tastey!
 While Jake was gone at Priesthood Session, I had some fun! I went to the mall and met up with Megan Miller for some drinks. I got a strawberry banana smoothie that was pretty good. We had fun chatting.
When I came out to my car, I saw this gum on my tire and was cracking me up. It was in perfect sticking condition!
When I got home, Staceypants picked me up and we went to our friend Ashley Kearls bridal shower! She looked so cute! I am so happy for her and excited for her to join the married club! They had an awesome soup and roll dinner with some yummy treats! Everyone went around the room telling funny stories about Ashley and they were so great! Kimmi Rae told the funniest one about her and Ashley rollerblading and how Ashley couldn't stop going down hill and got some serious road rash. She told so many funny details about it all that Stacey and I were crying we were laughing so hard! It was great to see some old friends and catch up!

Then I went to the Petco to get some food and a new heat light bulb for the turtles. Their basking light went out today, so that was an important thing to go get! Everyone needs their sunlight! Sunshine=happiness! Then I found myself at Target wandering around. I feel I could walk in circles and look at everything in that store and be entertained....and want to buy to many things as well.

Sunday was a great day! I loved it just being Jake and I watching conference together. This is the first year I haven't had company over, guests, in charge of making food or anything for conference. Not that any of that is bad or not fun, but I just really enjoyed watching conference with just Jake. After the first session I took a nap till the next session and Jake woke me up with lunch. He has been such a homemaker this weekend and taking care of me and feeding me tons! He is so cute. I loved General Conference. It all was fantastic. I am so excited to listen to it and read the talks over this next few months.
We got to go to Jakes parents house for dinner. That was great. We had a yummy sphetti and salad dinner with chocolate cake dessert. It was a wonderful meal.
When it was time to go, we said our goodbyes, and bye to Grandma Harris who is leaving later this week! It was great to see her and get to spend some time with her on her visit to Utah.
On our way home this cute leaf bug jumped on the window! I thought he was going to die when we got on the free way.
I was amazed to see this cute bug stay the whole 35 minute drive home on our window! I thought it was so cool! He was so airo dynamic on the freeway, even going 70 miles an hour! This is one cool bug! I am glad I got to meet him. It was a great way to end the Sunday evening.

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