to the narrows...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday started off as a great day, when Jake and I's new iPhone 4s's came in the mail! Whoop whoop! We were so excited! Then Jake came home after work and we got all our camping gear together to leave!
Then Staceypants and her friend Steven picked us up! We went to Zions National Park to hike the Narrows. We got there pretty late Friday night, so the boys went straight to setting up the tent. Stacey brought the tent for all of us to sleep in and, come to find out she brought a Harry Potter tent. After the boys put it together, it looked big from the outside, but from the inside it was huge! We made a boys and girls chamber for extra sleepover fun! You could stand straight up anywhere in the tent! It was awesome!
While the boys were putting up the tent, Stacey and I got to making the fire! I got the super easy logs, so it would be easy to make a fire! It worked! Then we got the goods out for smokes!

I was at the store and saw these JUMBO Pumpkin Mallows and had to get them! I thought it also may be nice to mix up the smores with dark chocolate. I actually liked it better because I feel like I can't always taste the chocolate in a smore and now I can! I think I will do dark chocolate from here on out. We all enjoyed some smores before we watched "X men first class." I really like that movie. Its pretty good!

I look like an alien in my ninja suit.
Tuna, his ghost friend (Tuna bought him with his weekly $5 allowance), panda and unis pillow pets are all ready for bed! It was a crazy windy night. Last time we camped at Zions it was the same! Some serious winds that made you feel like the tent was going to blow over and people were attacking you through the wind sounds. It is intense. I think next time we go to Zions we will get a hotel. Not that camping isn't fun, it is just super windy for a light sleeper. In the morning we woke up and had some yummy bagels, bananas and granola bars! Then we got ready to hike the Narrows.
After taking a fun tram ride to the top of Zions.
There were cute squirrels all over the trail to get to the narrows! Now I want a pet squirrel.
Isn't this too cute? Feed me!
Stacey and Steven walking the trail to the water front.
I was loving seeing these cute squirrels everywhere!
Jake and a squirrel. Jake was a little scared of the squirrel.
I am soo glad Jake had wet suits for Stacey and I. When I put my feet in the water, I thought it felt like shards of glass going through my feet it was soooo cold! I guess thats what you get for playing in the mountain water when it is almost winter!
Most of the hike was in the shade, but when we saw a part that had sunshine we stopped so the boys could warm up! They only had their board shorts and no wet suits! I would of been freezing!!!!
Jake has the nice legs of the family :)
After a great adventure up the Narrows, we hiked back down. On our way back there were tons of people coming up the water! I was so glad we didn't wait till later in the day to go because it was jammed pack with people! It may have been a bit warmer, but the lesser crowd was worth the cold water! The scenery everywhere was so beautiful, so that would be worth it to hike again to!
A cute squirrel eating a berry! So cute! After a great hike we took the tram back down to the car and went to Zions Pizza and Noodle!
Then we went to the two yummy candy shops in town to eat some treats! At the gift shop chocolate store, our favorite item is the "Egg Noodle" chocolate. It is delicious! (its a carmel in white chocolate dipped in cinnamon sugar)
The gang in front of candy shop number 2.
Steven and Stacey started a bad habit. Just kidding! Remember when you were little getting the candy gum cigarettes? I do! I remember eating one my sisters front porch in California. Funny candy.
We had  a fun drive home. We all took turns taking naps and making up our own rap lyrics.
Also on our way home we stopped at Jake and my favorite hot springs! They are the best! No weird smell, warm water and a cool rope to sit on! This was a super fun weekend with Stacey and Steven! It was a great time! Hiking the Narrows was fun. I don't know if I would like to hike it again, unless it was summer time, but it was still fun and great company!

Sunday was a great day! We got to teach our Sunday School class who I missed so much! I felt like I had not seen them in forever! Then we came home and ate beef stroganoff and got things ready for Heather Parkers bridal shower tomorrow night! I am way to excited for it! Stacey was so sweet and came over and helped me make treats! Marin was going to, but she caught a nasty cold! So sad. I don't like being sick. This was a great weekend!

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