I love good news!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monday I went on the best bike ride ever! It was so beautiful and great weather out! They only problem was, it was a bit to chilly for my throat and it was building up some nasty mucuss in it. So, thats how you know winter is defiantly coming. I was so glad I was able to take a ride in the canyon because I got to experience a little bit of fall! I felt like I was back east taking a lovely stroll down the cute old fashioned streets.
I saw lots of leaves falling and some beautiful colored trees! It was wonderful! It made me sad to though in a way, realizing I don't know if there will be any more sunny days out to ride my bike outside. Then I went to Walmart and got a ton of groceries! After talking to Scarlett she inspired me to start making food again. So I got a bunch of food to make breakfast, lunch and dinner!
When I came home I saw mushrooms growing the grass! I got so excited! As a child I would always try and find mushrooms in the grass and pet them. They have such a cool texture.
For dinner tonight we had tacos! I think this is one of the easiest/quickest meals to make, and it tastes so good!For dessert we had carmel turtle brownies! I love brownies! Then we watched some Americas Next Top Model season 9. After we watch episodes we always feel like it was  a waste of time, but for some reason it is so much fun!
Oh yeah, and Jake thought he was a candy corn vampire.

Tuesday I got to talk to an out roommate named Sarah Kirton! I was so excited to talk to her and here some great news from her (she has a boyfriend)! Then I got to go to lunch with another old roommate, Hayley Madsen! It was fantastic seeing her! We went to Guru's and enjoyed an awesome lunch! We sat outside because it was great weather out! After an hour and a half, we got rained out. Its ok though, we had a good time and enjoyed catching up! She is wonderful! Then I went to Target to finish up some last minute Halloween party details! Ah I am getting so excited for Halloween! Then I came home and started working on some decorations for Heathers Bridal shower. The decorations were starting to look a bit ghetto and I was bummed, but once I got everything done, and them all together they look so much better! Thank goodness!

So for the fantastic news.....Jakes work got everyone gym membership passes! This is the best news ever! I was so bummed about not being able to ride my bike with winter rolling in, but now I can go to the gym! It also has a pool so we can train for a triathlon! I am soooo excited! I have never been excited to exercise or have a gym membership pass, but seeing winter is rolling it, it will great to be able to have some activities to do! Now that we have gym memberships, hopefully our TV time will decline!

We also got a late wedding gift in the mail today! I was so excited! I went to get a thank you card out and found 5 cards written and addressed and not sent from when I wrote thank you cards for our wedding back months ago! I am so sorry if you are one of those five people! You will be getting your wedding thank you in the mail this week! I feel SOOO bad! Wow. That is horrible! So sorry.
When Jake got home from work we went on a bike ride! It was awesome! I am counting down the days of our bike riding adventures... After we went and got our favorite...Rubios fish tacos! Yummy!

Wednesday when Jake got home from work, we went to the gym! I thought it was so cute that he is 31 and this is literally his first time to a gym! I was dying! I had no idea! Jake has always been active, but I guess with more out door type of things! So I think this will be fun for both of us to go to the gym together. When we went to the gym we had fun getting a tour of it and seeing all the fun things we could soon take part in! To celebrate our first gym victory, we went to In and Out Burger and ate yummy double double burgers and came home and watched Americas Next Top Model Allstar season! On the show they modeled Michael Jackson clothes. It was awesome!
Today I finished my book I have been reading! I think Kindgom Keepers 3 was the best so far in the series! I want to order the next one and read it asap! But I am excited to start reading my new book from Rick Riordian. All time favorite author!
I think Tuna is looking especially cute today. I had to take a picture of him! 

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