The Golden Horseshoe

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday was another great day at Disneyland! We started the morning off at the Bakery on Main Street to get some chocolate croissants and juice for breakfast! Wahoo! I thought all there holiday treats and baked goods for halloween time were so cute and looked delicous!
Riding the carrousel in Fantasy Land. It brought back memories how my dad and I would always ride the carrousel at Super Stition Springs mall growing up. I would always want to ride on the blue dragon.
Casey Junior Train. It was a great sunny day today! The weather was perfection!
Going into sleeping beauty's castle.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs water fall and wishing-well area.
This was one of my favorite spots we went today! We went into the Main Street Cinema and saw old Mickey Mouse clips playing! I thought the Mickey was so dang cute! I loved his brick feet! To cute! I want to get copies of these videos! I love how they are all to music and no words.
Today mom and I had fun walking in all the shops down Main Street. We have been looking in all the stores everywhere, but today we spent time doing all of Main Street! We even went to the art gallery and saw Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.
These were some of my favorite items of the day I want to someday get!
Getting ready to ride the monorail to downtown Disney and back. We met the cutest mom taking her son to Disneyland for a few hours! She said the come every couple of weeks before nap time to play in Fantasy Land. I want to move to California when I have kids. Ok I lied...I want to move there now! Maybe Disney would let me work at Disneyland and I could work at the Jungle Cruise or be Ariel.
Speaking of Ariel, we saw her today! She was so cute! LOVE the red hair!
We also saw the evil queen and her heir. Isn't this the cutest little girl? I was cracking up, she was dressed as the evil queen and they were having quite the converstaion.
Gepetto! This is the first time I have seen him here!
Mary Poppins and Burt.
Mickey and Minnie in their cute Halloween outfits! Too cute!
For lunch we ate The Golden Horseshoe in Frontier-land. It was awesome! We had fish sticks and fries! After we ate, a show began! It was hilarious! The whole place was packed and we all sang along and laughed really hard at the show! It was a comic show and they got people from the audience to participate. It was fun to watch! I want to see more of there shows here at the Horseshoe.
After a great lunch, mom and I headed to California Adventure to go on some rides we missed! I was cracking up at this picture seeing mom griping the chair so tight.
Sully from Monsters Inc.
Guess who we saw???!!! Yes, Savannah and Scarlett! Mom and I got some treats and went to sit down at Mickeys Dance Crew show and saw it was packed. I saw a cute little girl drinking a smoothie and had a spot next to her to sit. So I asked her if we could sit there and I hear Scarlett say, Duh! I loved it! I had no idea they were sitting there I was so out of it! It was a great surprise! I think Scarlett and Savannah are the cutest moms ever! We all had fun watching the show!
After the show we got to see Mickey! I got a Toll House cookie sandwich to eat during the show! I thought it was so funny when I saw Scarlett, because her and I used to eat these ALL the time! Every time we went to a Chevron Gas station we would get them, or when we would ditch class and drive to California or somewhere random. I miss playing with Scarlett. Such great adventures in life together.
Later Jakes dad called and he was done with work so we met him at Disneyland. We went and watched the Jedi Training show. It is the cutest show.
All the young Jedis batter Darth Vader or Darth Maul. I would be terrified as a child to fight them. Some of the kids were so funny! Jakes mom was laughing so hard! I have never seen her laugh that hard!
For dinner we tried a new place called Cafe Orleans! I have been wanting to eat there because I always wondered what it was! They had great food and a fun environment!
Sweet potato fries, salmon salad, and a type of rattatoui. It was good! They also have Disney's famous Monte Crisco sandwiches that are awesome! I always get those at the Blue Bayou and felt I wanted to save my eating that till it reopened when Pirates opened again.
 Then we ended the night in Tarzans Treehouse and a night ride on the Jungle Cruise.
When we got back to the hotel after a great day, Jakes parents went to bed, and I headed to the airport to go pick up Jake! I was sooo excited to see him! He brought me my new Hello Kitty phone cover! I was so excited to get it! He ordered it from Japan. haha Funny boy! Glad he got to come and spend some time at Disneyland!!!!!

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