Chocolate Caramels with a Hint of Sea Salt

Friday, August 8, 2014

Chocolate Caramels with a hint of Sea Salt

I have been at home for the past few weeks spending time with my family!  It is rare to have all of us 5 sisters together, so I couldn't miss out on going home to see everyone!  I was craving caramels, so my mom checked the pantry, and she had all the supplies to make them!  We wanted them to be dipped in chocolate with some sea salt, so this was a bit of an experiment for us!  I loved how tasty they turned out, I had to share!  We normally make this caramel for big chunky caramel squares (which is cute when you wrap them in wax paper like a little candy) or use this caramel recipe for dipping apples, or pretzels, so it was fun to try the recipe in a new way!  For our first batch, we did a regular batch of caramels and our second batch we chopped up walnuts and mixed them in the caramels.

This caramel recipe is super simple and perfect for lots of caramel uses! My mom got the recipe from a friend who taught home-ec at an elementary school and was a caramel maker for Sees Candy.  In other words, this is a great recipe for anyone who has never made caramel before and it tastes amazing :) It is even one you can do with older kids (with supervision, the stove and pans get hot!)  My niece Mallory is seven and she had a blast stirring, measuring ingredients and dipping the caramels in chocolate!  My little 2 year old niece Lindy enjoyed sneaking caramels off the table :)  If this is your first time, I recommend just making simple caramels and skipping the chocolate.

I love caramels because they do not spoil easy, its great to make a ton in one day, and they taste amazing!  These are perfect for a party because you can display them on a cute dish, or you can box them up and deliver a treat to a friend!

A few tips for making caramels:
-Never double a batch.  Candy does not do well when doubling the recipe.
-If you make another batch one after the other, make sure to clean all pot/ supplies and make sure they are dry before starting another batch.
-In the container you want the caramels in to shape/ harden in, make sure to grease it up with butter or spray so your caramels slip right out of the pan so you can easily cut them into smaller pieces.
-Get all ingredients out and measured before starting the recipe.  That way you can easily pour in the ingredients as needed since you need to stir caramel constantly.
-I recommend using a candy thermometer.  It makes it super easy to know when the caramels are done.  You just look at the temperature and can see when the caramels will be done.  If you don't have a candy thermometer, its ok, you can still make caramels.  When the carmel has been cooking for around 7-10 minutes take a little part of the of the caramel out with a spatula and drop it into ice cold water.  If the caramel is firm, and you can pull it, it should be perfect!
-Don't be scared to let the caramel bubble on high heat while cooking after all the ingredients are in.  It is the only way to get the caramel to the needed 245 degrees.

Recipe for Simple Caramels:
1 lb. light brown sugar (2 1/4 cups packed)
1/2 lb. butter or marg. (1 stick)
1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk
1 c. white Karo syrup

This sticks and scorches easily, so watch and stir constantly.  Put corn syrup in pan first.  The add butter and melt.  Add brown sugar, stirring constantly and finally add milk.  Boil over medium.  Heat, stirring constantly to 240-245 degrees or firm ball stage- (almost to pulling string stage in cold water).  Pour into buttered jello roll pan and top with chopped nuts if desired.  (I like to add the nuts in before I pour out the caramel into the pan).  Cool in fridge and cut into squares.

To add chocolate and sea salt to your caramels:
2 bags melting chocolate
Sea Salt

Melt chocolate according to directions on melting chips bag.  Take cut caramels and dip in chocolate. We used tooth picks to dip the caramels into the chocolate.  After caramels are dipped in chocolate, let the chocolate cool off before sprinkling sea salt onto the chocolate.  The salt gives the perfect touch to decorate the caramels and really helps enhance the flavor of the overall product!  Let the chocolate fully cool off/harden and enjoy!

Chocolate Caramels with a Hint of Sea Salt Easy Recipe
Chocolate Caramels with a Hint of Sea Salt Easy Recipe
Simple Caramel Recipe
Simple Caramel Recipe
How to cut Caramels
how to wrap a cute candy box
Chocolate Caramels with a Hint of Sea Salt Recipe


  1. Homemade candy is always a challenge to make but SO satisfying to bite into when done. These look incredible!

  2. Not only is this such a wonderful recipe, but your family is lovely!! Spending time with family is always my favorite, and it looks like yall had a wonderful time :) I can't wait to give these sweets a try!


  3. Such sweet photos! This looks amazing!

    Heidi D.

  4. What lovely pictures! Love caramels.

  5. LOVE caramel and this post is beyond adorable! What fun family memories! Thanks for sharing such a special recipe!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your time at home!

    xx. Michelle

  6. Looks amazing, I'm super hungry now! And these pictures are so cute!

  7. I am drooling! This looks amazing. You have a beautiful family. Glad you got to spend some time together.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  8. I love caramels. They are theta one candy that is so easy to make and is always delicious! I love your version with the chocolate and sea salt. Can't wait to try these !

  9. Drooling, this looks way too delicious. We've never made caramels but maybe we should start!

    xx 365hangers

  10. It is great to hear you were able to spend some time with family. wow 5 sisters, that must be so much fun. These caramels look perfect and I wish I could have some right now.

  11. Its look so yummy and im craving! And i love all the photos too! :)

  12. Wow! These look absolutely delicious and so much fun to make:) Random question...are there different steps or recipes in making chewy caramel vs. hard caramel? Love both!
    xo Olivia

  13. This is worh trying, and I just must sa that photos are so cheerful, kind of touching for me, love them A LOT!

    If you want to follow each other, just let me know!

  14. Now my mouth is watering and I would love to try it :)

    And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog. Now I checked your blog with the result: I like it!

    I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come back to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  15. Yumm, this looks so delicious, Ive never had something like it before. I appreciate your wonderfully kind comment!

  16. We took an informal poll and couldn't find one person who doesn't absolutely love caramel! And the pinch of salt is brilliant, yum. Just want to scarf these down. Great tip not to double the batch when trying to make candy-- will have to keep that in mind. Love the presentation in the black box with polka dots, way to cute for words =)

  17. Amazing post! And I love your blog:)
    I am now following you on Bloglovin, follow me back?

  18. Amazing post! And I love your blog:)
    I am now following you on Bloglovin, follow me back?

  19. These pictures are lovely and wow, five sisters! Sounds amazing :) x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter | Liz Earle Giveaway!

  20. This is one of my favorite kind of treats -- chewy, chocolatey, sweet, and salty! I love the photos you shared of your family making these -- just priceless!

  21. Yum, looks amazing! Alex

  22. Aw, looks like you had a lot of helpers, how nice! These look absolutely amazing- and dangerous- I could totally polish off a batch like this myself ;)
