Just Organic Juice

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Juice Cleanse Review

Jake and I just recently did a 3 day cleanse with Just Organic Juice located in Salt Lake City.  I am super excited to share with you our fun experiences trying out a bunch of great juices!  Jake and I tried 8 different flavors of Juice from Just Organic Juice and they all tasted like they came from quality ingredients.  We both did the Hard Boot Cleanse.  That cleanse included the following drinks: 

1) Green Envy - Spinach, Cucumber, Parsley, Celery, Dandelion, Apple, Pear, Lemon, Ginger
140 Calories
2) Greatfruit-N-Mint - Grapefruit, Mint
200 Calories
3) Roots - Carrot, Beet, Celery, Dandelion, Lemon
100 Calories
4) Chloro-Feel-Good - Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Kale, Green Apple
120 Calories
5) Just Beet It - Carrot, Apple, Beet, Lemon, Ginger
180 Calories
6) Almondelight - Raw Almond, Filtered Water, Dates, Cinnamon
280 Calories

Each day of this three-day cleanse consisted of one set, to be consumed in the order listed above with one bottle every 2-3 hours throughout the day.  If you live in the Salt Lake City area, Just Organic Juice has great delivery or pick-up options including free delivery within 10 miles of downtown!

I loved how each bottle listed all the ingredients and caloric content of each drink.  I have always wondered what the calorie count is for a bottle of pressed juice and was shocked to see that a entire day of this juice program was almost a full day's worth of calories (1,020 calories!).  I know a lot of people are anti juice cleanses,  and I have felt that way myself before.  After seeing that there is almost a full day's worth of calories, I started to change my thinking a bit.  I think a day juice cleanse with some healthy carb/protein snacks could be a fun idea to do once or twice a year.  To be honest, I never thought I would say something like that since I am a very firm believer in maintaining a balance of foods when you eat everyday, but after doing a cleanse my opinion has changed a little :)  

Maybe my feelings changed because I love juice and there were some drinks everyday that I looked forward to drinking!  Out of the 6 drinks listed above the Greatfruit-N-Mint and Almondelight were my favorites!  Jake really loved the Green Envy and Roots.  Some of the drink flavors were a little strong for me and hard to chug down, but I did it!  We got to try a couple other juices besides what we drank for the cleanse and our top favorite drink was the Pineapple Jalapeño!  It was so hot, spicy and amazing!  I am salivating just thinking about it!  Any time I go to the City Creek Mall, I am going to make sure to stop by Just Organic Juice and get a Pineapple Jalapeño drink I love it so much!

With summer coming to a close, Jake and I thought a juice cleanse would be the perfect thing to help us get on track and feel great for fall season.  I was a little nervous doing a juice cleanse since I have never done anything like this before.   I've never even dieted so I decided that I would eat a snack like toast, almonds, fruit, peanut-butter, etc. with each juice.  I could see how people can do a juice cleanse with out eating at all since the juice is super filling.

Jake loved doing the juice cleanse and thought it was super fun!  He really was so excited to go to the fridge and pick out his next drink for the day.  He was so sad when the cleanse ended and he didn't have any more juice to drink!   

I enjoyed doing the cleanse as well, but I thought it was really hard.  It wasn't hard because of the juice, I thought the juices were fantastic and the flavors were good too!  I just had a hard time drinking so much in one day and my mouth(brain) was constantly wanting to chew food.  I also felt that since I was drinking so much I had to pee every five minutes, so I was glad we did the cleanse over the weekend while we would be at home.  I would be up for doing another cleanse in the future since I felt good during and after the cleanse.  I felt that it helped clear out all the junk I had eaten all summer and it helped me feel energized.  

Have you ever tried a juice cleanse?  What are your feelings on them?  I was always a skeptic and maybe a bit against them, but after trying one out from Just Organic Juice, I thought it was a fun and rewarding experience.

Just Organic Juice
Organic Almond Milk
Just Organic Juice One Day Cleanse


  1. Wow, 3 day cleanse. I've never tried anything like this. Wel,l I have done a fast for high-holidays but that's different. I would love to try this & challenge myself but I feel I week when it comes to food. I do applaud the two of you though.


  2. This is amazing! I love juices too. I am going to be in Utah this fall for a girls trip, and really just an excuse to get out of the city. I can't wait to look these juices up and give them a try.
    x, Amanda
    Behind the Mirror Beauty

  3. I'd love to try a cleanse, but I always worry that I would be so hungry and sluggish! Did you feel that way at all?

    Heidi D.

  4. Love this review! I have been a firm advocate of cleansing (with food) for the past few years and do so every 6 months or so. I always feel so much better afterwards. I haven't tried the juice cleanse as of yet, but have been meaning to for some time now. I'll definitely look into Just Juice. Great info!!


  5. I have wondered about cleanses like this before- the flavors sound yummy and I'm glad to hear there are nearly a day's worth of calories in the set, but I always wonder if I would still be hungry. It would be good to try out for a day or so. Great review, guys!


  6. Such a great looking product! I love that they mix unconventional flavors!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  7. I'm such a juice freak! Thanks for reviewing, will have to check it out :)

    life15juicy.wordpress.com - young aspiring fashion and costume designer/stylist sharing unique views on fashion/clothing as it relates to modern society/culture.

  8. I love juice! I have always wanted to do a cleanse but I'm nervous to.

  9. Mmm, sounds delicious! Would love to try it!

    Sarah x
