The Old Refinery

Sunday, May 10, 2015 A His and Her Fashion Blog
Menswear Style Blog A His and Her Style Blog A His and Her Fashion Blog
Menswear fashion Blog A His and Her Fashion Blog

Jacket: Levis
Shirt: Nordstrom

Jacket: Levis
Jeans: All Saints

Jake and I always look forward to the weekends!  Its a time for us to explore and enjoy the great out doors! A few weekends ago we were fortunate to do something we have been wanting to do for a long time!  We went and explored Tintic Refinery!  

Do you ever have those places you drive by a million times and want to stop but never do? This place was that for us.  We usually never stopped because we didn't have the right hiking shoes on, or didn't have time.  This day, both of those excuses were in the book for me, but I am so glad we stopped!  Jake had the perfect hiking shoes on, and next time I remember to not wear sandals :) Although, the Birkenstocks did pretty well in all the dirt and rocks!

You can barely see the mines when you are driving from the road and they look like a graffiti village inside a mountain!  Up close, the refinery is even cooler and there is a million places to explore.  There were so many walkways, and places to look around!

Sadly we got to the mines closer to dusk, so we didn't get to explore the mines as much as we wanted to!  We were so glad we went, and when we left we were wanting more!  That is my favorite, when we found a place we would love to go back to again and again! A His and Her Fashion Blog

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