Cookie Dough Brownie Recipe

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I took a cooking class when I was going to school at BYU and my professor gave me this secret recipe. I had to do some extra credit homework to get it, but it was worth it! Her name was Ann Hardman and was a great teacher that made a cooking class really fun! Here is the recipe!
You can make homemade brownies and then start the recipe at the "filling" but I am biased on my brownies and think Ghirardelli are the best! I have tried this recipe with homemade brownies and they taste great...but I think with the pre packaged Ghirardelli makes this recipe a WINNER!

Before you make your brownies, get out your butter to start thawing it and to make it soft! Then make your brownies. After they are done cooking, stick them in the fridge to cool them off. 
Then make your cookie dough! If you dont have mini chocolate chips to put in it, take big chocolate chips and cut them up small! Trust me...add the chocolate chips! Thats what makes it! ***Notice this recipe does not have eggs in the cookie dough for a reason! Because you dont cook the dough, you eat it raw, so no eggs=no salmonella.
Then pour your cookie dough out on top of your cooled brownies. Make sure they are cooled or else the top of the brownies will come up a ton when you move the cookie dough around.
A tip for spreading the cookie dough around is move your spatula back and forth in a smooth mannor to spread the dough. That way if you pick up any brownie top when you move the spatula back and forth the brownie top will go back down. Just make the dough work for you!

Time to make your topping! Put your two cups of chocolate chips (any size) and your 2tbsp of crisco into a pot and melt! Make sure to stir this the entire time so your chocolate does not get burnt. Stir till there are minimun clumps and you dont see any white crisco.
Pour the chocolate over the cookie dough and spread it so it covers it all up! Then take your pan and put it in the fridge to chill. ***Warning...pan will be heavy full of goodness! Let chill for a few hours until the chocolate on top is hard. These are great treats to make for an event or someone the day ahead.
Cut your cookie dough brownies out from the pan. They are kind of hard to get out at first but just shove your knife under the brownie and they will pop up! These are super rich full of flavor, so small squares are great..even though they are hard to cut! One regular 9x13 pan will make about 30, 1.5 inch squares.
All done! Enjoy your treat! Best served chilled...meaning...keep this treat in the fridge and pull them out right before guests arrive. They taste just fine room temperature, but when served chilled they are not messy!


  1. O MY HECK KELSEY THESE LOOK SO AMAZING i am so gonna make these once i have all the proper ingredients. wow. thank you for sharing, i die for this

  2. I was looking for a dessert to make for family dinner tomorrow (since we finally don't have any birthdays for a little while!) and I think I just found it! I have everything for this and it looks SO yummy!

  3. I am totally making these - they look super delicious!!

  4. Within pinning this recipe earlier this afternoon, I've already had over 30 RE-pins! Hope your traffic kicks up a notch - you deserve it. =)

  5. Curious? Did you use two bags of brownies for 9x13 pan? Mine were not cake like but very thin. So I ate them and decided to ask you before putting all toppings on. Want to try again for General Conference weekend
