Sundance Film Festival

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday night, Jake, Megan and I had a fun time going to Park City to walk around. We got Sonic before we left, and then headed to park city! It is so nice how they have the bus system up and running. They are on top of it for the season.
 We had so much fun in this fur shop. The owner of the shop was making us laugh so hard. We were doing guess the price of the coat. It was really fun. I had no idea fur coats can be $14,000 plus.....Anyways, had a blast trying on coats. Someday I want one :) haha I told the man at the store if I ever get one, I am coming to his shop.
 There are tons of fun shops to look at with cool stuff in it!
 AH a real piarte ship wheel!
 Wheres TUNA?
Stacey and Steven came to meet up with us! Jake is hiding because people kept asking him if he was Ryan Reynolds.
 Waling through a cool art exhibit.
 A splendid night! When it started snowing, we bolted for the bus stop! It was a great evening! We even saw lots of friends walking around, and meeting new people. Maybe some year, we will be prepared and buy some show tickets!
Oh yes, the PETA police stopped me and gave me this notice....I didn't understand why they were wearing some hoocey police outfits. I guess it made the whole experience better when they were blowing whistles at you.

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