weekly update in AZ

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A few weeks, I got to spend an entire week at home in Arizona! Oh I had so much fun! I got to visit all my sisters, see my grandpa at his new place, visit Aimee and Scarlett and see their new babies, eat at all my favorite places, hang out with my parents, sleep in my old bedroom, see my sister Ambers new home, pick oranges, and so much more! It was so dreamy being home! The picture above is hanging out with my sister Camis Fam. 
Found this awesome bacon tape. I had to get it for my sister Amber who loves bacon even more than I do.
Mom and I went to lunch at Mangos and saw a friend Dana Beghning and her youngest son Jace. I used to baby sit her kids:)
Mom made homemade bread! Oh always the best! She is a pro!
Went through boxes of old stuff at home. It was really fun! Here were a few of my favorites!
Mom and I got to spend an entire day with my nana Irine Brady! Isn't she just so lovely? She is so with it, and beautiful, smart, fit and 92! She is amazing! Nana normally lives in Utah, but she happend to be visiting AZ to! It was perfect timing! She was so sweet and even came with us to visit my grandpa. She is the sweetest/ kindest woman I know. 
My mom bought a horse for the grandkids! Me and Amber were loving it to :)
Thursday, Hayley got into town! First thing we did was got to Nielsons for lunch! It was a great time :) I was so excited to see my sister!
Dinner at Oreganos!
Cami and Hayley picking oranges before we left for the cabin! Mom got us all togehter for a girls weekend! I was so excited and looking forward to a great time with all my sistas and mom! TONS more pictures to come :)

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