Put a Heart on it

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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mens style blog details
mens fashion blog
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Pink/Gold Heart Tee: Style Lately c/o
Shoes: Fendi
Lipstick: MAC- Rebel

Star Wars Tee: Target (on sale)
Shoes: Converse

This Friday it was super rainy out! Jake and I were loving it! We thought since it was raining out, we would celebrate by going out to dinner!  This was perfect because I was so exhausted and didn't feel like making dinner!  I feel like I have been just running on high all day, every day and need a chill night.  On days like this I like to ditch the makeup.  If I am going out of the house, I like to put on a little blush, fill in my eyebrows and put on a fun color lipstick like in these photos.  Sometimes, I like the feeling of no make up! Do you ever have days like this?

Jake and and I went to one of our favorite sushi restaurants, Happy Sumo.   We love it so much here we usually come once a week!  We regularly get the Fire cracker roll, Sweet heart and a side of ahi seared tuna, but tonight we tried to mix it up.  I am always excited in the beginning to mix up our meal, but I am always disappointed after we mix it up, because I am boring and always like the same thing!  Tonight we got a Rockstar, Vegas and Sweetheart Roll.  They were all good, but I like our regular dishes better.  Now I know for next time right? 


We spent the rest of the evening playing the new Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Wii U.  I just have to say, I am a HUGE Donkey Kong fan, and this new game has not disappointed me! It is amazing!!!!!  I like how they incorporated favorite characters from past games and you can play with them all in this game! And you can partner with Cranky Kong? I mean a game doesn't get better than that!  We only had an hour to play so we didn't get as far as I hoped, but thats ok, I am planning on playing it every night till I beat it!  Has anyone else tried the game out yet?! I am dying to hear what you think!

P.S a new season of Portlandia has started! I am so excited! I love the show! Hence the blog post title today..."Put a Heart on It." 


  1. girl im loving this whole outfit...the neutrals are fab but when u pair it with the touch of black with the shoes..it takes it to a whole other level..stunning!

    XO Meghan
    citrus fashion

  2. i do that too!!! love not wearing makeup on saturdays :)

  3. Love your tee!
