Arlington national cemetery

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Arlington National Cemetery White Head Stones
Arlington National Cemetery
Washington DC Blossoms
Arlington National Cemetery Gates
Arlington National Cemetery Section 32
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery Silence and Respect
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery John Goulding Headstone
Arlington National Cemetery Tomb of The Unknown Soldier
Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Home
Arlington National Cemetery Bus
Arlington National Cemetery Graves

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Every time I am in DC, I feel so grateful to be an American.  Sometimes its hard to see all the grave stones or memorials because you can see a huge visual of all the sacrifices of what it took to make America what it is today.  I am so grateful for so many amazing people who have served America and am so grateful to them.

At Arlington, we got to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider which was pretty neat. We took a bus ride the cemetery so we got to see it all.  My favorite part was walking around and reading the graves and what was written on them. I am grateful for the chance to go to Arlington Cemetery this trip! 

1 comment

  1. Beautiful photos. Oddly enough, working at the hotel and seeing the different cultures every day makes me really grateful to be an American and that my children are too. We have so many opportunities and freedoms that we take for granted that other people can only dream of.
