DC Smithsonian Natural History Museum

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Natural History Museums are my favorite kind of museums.  I love seeing animals, bones, ocean animals, dinosaurs, bugs, mummies and rocks!  These really are some of my favorite things, and I love that the Natural History Museum has them all! Not to mention DC rocks with most of all the museums being free! You cant beat that!

I really do enjoy walking around museums and reading all the signs! There are some areas of the Natural History Museum I could spend hours at. One of those exhibits I could spend a ton of time at is the Rocks and Minerals section.  There is every color or stone, and every shape and size! Round, smooth, spiky, and they are so neat!  They even had some rocks that would light up with a black light! They were so neat! Jake loved seeing all the silver and how they would form in different forms. 

Do you enjoy going to museums?  Here are some pictures of some of our favorite things we were able to see :)

Washington National History Museum Bat
Washington National History Museum TREX
Washington National History Museum Beatles
Washington National History Museum Ocean Room
Washington National History Museum Rocks and Minerals
Washington National History Museum Bones
Washington National History Museum Jewels
Washington National History Museum Mama and Baby Bear
Washington National History Museum Mummified Crocodiles
Washington National History Museum Petrified Tree
Washington National History Museum Rocks and Minerals
Washington National History Museum Rocks Animal
Washington National History Museum Rocks and Minerals


  1. So cool! I can't wait to go here. We've been saving this one. :)

  2. it's so hard not to just stare at allt he gorgeous jewels in there..especially the hope diamond! swoon...great pics girl!

    XO Meghan
    citrus fashion
