weekly update

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

This has been a great and busy week. The week started with snow, and ended with snow. Its been kind of nice :) I love the look of beautiful white fresh snow!
 This week I had to run to SLC to get some boxes. I made a few pit stops at the mall. It was just what I needed. Sometimes I just need a good few hours at the mall to walk around and have some alone time.
Isnt this the cutest watch ever?! My friend Megan started a watch company, and makes the most amazing watches ever! She did a giveaway, and I won! I was sooo excited! Here is my super cute new watch that I LOVE! You can check out Feral Watches Here!
 This week we did alot of eating out. With so many christmas orders to fulfill this week, all I wanted to do was not cook and eat good food :)
 Remember when Jake boxed, wrapped and shipped 200 orders for me? He is the best husband ever! I feel so lucky to have such a supportive and loving husband. He seriously is so sweet and good to me.
 Thursday Jake was so excited to make me dinner. This is what he made:) Octopus hotdog in mac and cheese! It was quite tasty!
 Saturday was a lot of running around, getting last minute things for a party I was having at my house Saturday evening.
 The party went awesome! Diana and Alycia were great and helped prepare and prep the party! Thank you so much to all that came!
After the party, Jake once again saved the day staying up till 1am cleaning. He is the best. I love a clean house. Its nice to have it all back in order ;)
 I feel like I got the coolest gift at the gift exchange! And perfect for me! My aunt was actually telling me about the catalog Mollie Makes and how I need to get it! I was so excited I got 2! Wahoo!
 Sunday, Jake and I were in bed sick all day :( No bueno. I do not love being sick! For lunch we had creamy tomato basil soup with grilled cheese and went back to bed.
 Then we woke up and ate potstickers and egg rolls.
and to make it the best night ever!!!!!! ASHLEY AND JPS WEDDING WAS ON! Oh I was so excited to watch that!  It was a wonderful week!


  1. Wow! Your husband should win the hubby of the year award for sure!!

  2. Oh goodness! Tasty food and a gorgeous home. I love it! What a fantastic husband you have as well :)

  3. oh my gosh you had quite the eventful week! first off that cafe rio salad looks too dang good at four in the morning (i'm always hungry since i'm breastfeeding haha) second,how in the world do you find time to make that many adorable stuffed animals?! it takes me days to make something for my little one! lastly, your house looks so perfect i'm so jealous.


  4. That looks like such a good week!! Kinda jealous :P I love the little images you have at the top to help navigate, they're very sweet. I'm having a Christmas giveaway if you'd like to join in!

    hope you have a lovely Christmas xx
