weekly update

Monday, December 10, 2012

Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 This has been a great week! Its been getting colder in Utah, so that means....lots of baths! Yeah!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 I love the LED lights we got in the tubs. You can change them any color. Its kinda fun!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Monday I got some new clothes in the mail! Wahoo! I was loving these shoes so I had to get a picture of them :)
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 We also got a new ornament in the mail to from anthropologie. Tuna was excited to have a friend his size.
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Monday night, Alycia came over. We got to enjoy a yummy dinner and In and Out Burger, and go to Target together! It was fun!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Tuesday Jake and I went to the Riverwoods. It was so much fun seeing all the lights!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 For dinner we went to Happy Sumo. A favorite of ours! Oh so yummy!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 This week at one of my 10 Target trips I got this super cute piggy utensil holder! I love him!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Finally got the craft room about done this week, and made it a huge sewing mess! We also moved a couch in it so Jake can hang out in it while I sew. Hes so cute. He does not like to go to bed without me, so he slept on the couch pretty much every night this week while I sewed!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Thursday night I got to go to a few parties with Alycia! That was fun!
Travel blog, utah, travel utah, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Craft night at Amys!
 I bought new bathroom towels, and it took me 2 weeks to hang them up. Haha I think I have not wanted them to get dirty :)
Friday..Jake was the best husband in the world! (ps, check it out to the left...we finally got blinds! YES!!!) Well, I wanted to get involved in our ward, so I signed up to help make the food for a ward party Friday night. Well I have been so busy lately, I have not had time to go to the grocery store! Jake was so cute and bought all the ingredients early friday morning before he left for work. Then he came home early from work to help me cook the carrots for the ward party. He was so sweet. Lets just say though...it was the weirdest recipe and took forever to cook. It resulted in a huge mess in the kitchen :) P.S. I learned you are supposed to peal the carrots before you cook them. Whoops.
 Ward Party Dinner! Can I just say...we have been loving our new ward! Everyone is so friendly and kind! Its been amazing!
 Saturday was a big party day to! 3 parties that day! Whooa! Yes I was a polka dot mess.
 I have not had bagel bites in years. Just eating between parties. :)
 Saturday night we had Jakes work party!
 We gambled the night away with free chips! It was nice feeling no remorse when we lost all the chips....
and to top off the night, when we got home at midnight, we made a couch fort! We literally stayed in it the rest of the weekend! We woke up Sunday at noon, went to church  came home and ate, went back in the man crib and took a nap, woke up at 11pm, ate some more food, then watched Star Wars 2, and feel asleep till I woke up at 10 this morning! haha. A very non productive Sunday, but very relaxing :) I even woke up to a white wonderland this morning! Its snowing outside! Well probally sleep in the fort for the rest of the week. For some reason, its fun not sleeping in your real bed.


  1. A few things...I LOVE the piggy utensil holder! So cute!
    I think it's so adorable that your hubby sleeps on the couch while you sew. Very romatical! :)

    And what exactly is a ward? It sounds like something to do with your church but I'm curious about what it is exactly :)

  2. those couches put together is the best thing ever! haha Where do I even start, such a jam packed post! Love the polka dots :) LOVE that bath tub, I am coming over to use it, annnnnnd nothing is better then a good ward, happy you are loving it!

  3. So many things to say... the double couch bed fort thing looks like sooo much fun! I wish I could do that too! And that's precious that he sleeps while you sew :) And I am sooo completely obsessed with sushi lately! What kind of rolls are those? I'm always trying to experiment and try new kinds, but I'm not always sure what I'll like!

  4. I have those same towels and I love them! They are total Anthro knock offs and I honestly can't even tell the difference. I even have the bath rug to match.
    Ok now that you have the best bath I have ever seen you need to make a trip to a store called Lush. They sell bath items such as bath bombs, bath melts,shower goodies etc. This is hands down my favorite store and I love bath time now even more.
    Check your local malls to see if they have this store and next time you are out you have to stop in and smell the loveliness that the store has.
