Christmas Morning

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wow, Christmas was one exciting day! I woke up so fast when I thought of stockings.  I knew Jake had worked so hard on making me the perfect stocking, I was so excited to see it! He is always so sweet and thoughtful.
Jake and Tuna opening their stockings! Jakes bedhead is awesome :)
My stocking!  I LOVED everything in it! Tons of my favorite things! A crayola party set, Lego, Hello Kitty, Unicorns, treats, a new 3ds game, oh I was in heaven! I felt I didn't even need presents after an amazing stocking! After looking at all this fun stuff, Jake and I started on breakfast. Jakes family was coming over for christmas, so we wanted it to be special and fun. When Jakes family got to our home, we ate, and then headed over to the tree.
Jake got me a XL PINK Nintendo 3DS! Ah wahoo! I have been playing it non stop! I LOVE IT!!! I have a regular size 3DS, and the XL is AMAZING! I have been playing all my video games over again because its a whole new experience with a bigger screen!
It was a fantastic Christmas! I feel we made out like bandits :) We loved having Jakes family over and spending time with them. We hope to have them over again another Christmas! We had fun watching shows, eating, playing games, calling family on facetime, and hanging out together. Facetime is really amazing. I loved being able to see all my siblings and parents faces on Christmas day. This was my first Christmas not being in AZ with my fam, and seeing my family on facetime made me feel like I was right at home :)
Jake and Perry putting together Jakes new camera tripod! What a fantastic Christmas.


  1. that unicorn is the cutest!!! love it! and i could seriously go for some sour patch now! hahaha.

    looks like so much fun!

  2. I love your Disney stockings! :-) What a wonderful Christmas it was for you!

  3. I love your guys' matching pj's! super cute!

  4. loving jakes hair in the first picture hahaha :) christmas morning bed head. Looks like the perfect day!
