NYC Eats!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

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One thing I loved about going to NYC with Jamie, was we both had the same mind set....."what can we eat?!" We had so much fun trying new places, going to some favorite spots and just eating in general! It made the trip so much fun! Jamie and I had both taken a red eye flight into the JFK airport, took a taxi cab, and checked into the Trump hotel! The hotel was so nice and let us check in early! It was great! We got to freshen up, sit down and plan our first food stop! We headed to Doughnut Plant. I have heard amazing things about these doughnuts and was quite excited to try them!
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Vanilla Bean Jam Filled | Peanut Butter and Jelly Filled | Coconut Cream Filled | Valrhona Chocolate Yeast | Wild Blue Berry Cake  blog, new york city, new york, travel new york, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Vanilla Bean Jam Filled | Peanut Butter and Jelly Filled | Coconut Cream Filled |
Valrhona Chocolate Yeast | Wild Blue Berry Cake
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Our next stop was for lunch in Madison Square at the Shake Shack. The Shake Shack has a couple locations all around the city, but Madison Square Park is by far my favorite location! I love the outdoors, eating a burger in the sun, and the pretty twiggy trees all around! When I was going to Parson's, I would stop by this Shake Shack often for a custard or a shack burger!
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Jamie and I both voted Levain Bakery, chocolate chip walnut cookie, the best cookie of our entire lives! It was served hot, the chocolate chips were semi melted and got your fingers gooey adn messy, but the cookie was cooked enough  and not to warm to gooble this cookie down! Oh wow, I can not express how amazing this cookie was! Ok, well I guess we can say it was so good, Jamie and I went back to Levain Bakery on our last day to bring a dozen cookies home! :) It was a heavy carry on to bring home but so worth it! The cookies are HUGE (the size on a palm on a hand) and 2 inches high! No joke! These are big cookies, made with love, and to DIE FOR GOOD! 
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For dinner our first night, we ordered in Pizza at the hotel! The company that had Jamie come to NYC had a party that night with finger foods, so we got a light dinner before the party!
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Saturday morning we woke up and went to Chelsea Market for breakfast. We got a bite to eat at Sarabeth's Bakery. It was pretty good! All the other little shops with cupcakes and other yummy treats that weren't open yet looked very yummy to! I need to go back and eat all the cupcakes and treats from the other bakeries in Chelsea soon!
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Saturday, Jamie had some meetings, so I went shopping in SoHo all day! I just wanted a quick lunch so I grabbed a meal at Bloomingdales
food blog, food blogger, food review, ,where to eat in nyc, nyc food, new york food, places to eat in new york city, new York food blog, Travel blog, new york city, new york, travel new york, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd, max brenner, lava cake, union square, places to eat in union square, coca fries, waffle fries, best fries in the world,
Jamie and I met up later that night for a late night 1am snack at Max Brenner! probably already know this, but I LOVE Max Brenner. When I lived in NYC I lived in Union Square across from Max Brenners and went there way to much! I cant ever get enough of there coca waffle fries with spicy mayo dip! Its truly heaven! So delicious  I got my regular chocolate truffle heart for dessert. Jamie got a smores dessert! I tried it and really liked that to! 
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food blog, food blogger, food review, ,where to eat in nyc, nyc food, new york food, places to eat in new york city, new York food blog, Travel blog, new york city, new york, travel new york, salt lake city,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd, patsy's pizzeria, patsys, nyc pizza, best pizza in nyc,
On Sunday, we had a little time to walk around, go to the Natural History Museum for a bit and grab a bite to eat at Pastsy's Pizzeria that was by Levain Bakery to grab our take home cookies! I actually like Patsy's pizza over Grimaldi's pizza. I liked the sauce better. It was more flavorful for me at Patsy's.
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As a last stop, we went to Junior's in Time Square to grab a cheesecake! Perfect way to end a trip! It was so much fun! Now all I want to do is go back to NYC and try more places to eat! :) What are some of your favorite places to go in New York? 


  1. Oh Max Brenner! I went there and had a BLT with avocado...AMAZING!

  2. wow that's a lot of food! Everything looks amazing and delicious.

  3. LOVE all those places, been to everyone almost!! Missing NYC! Looks amazing!

  4. That cookie looks aaaaaamazzzzing! I love Crif Dogs, they have killer chili cheese dogs and CHEESE TATOR TOTS! Basically my fat kid fantasy food.

    P.S. I'm starving now, so thanks for that. :)
