a week and a half with my sister :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The last week and a half I have been able to have a great time with my sister Amber and her family in California! We have all been having a blast and having fun spending time together!
I saw this in Bryces room and I was cracking up. He has been liking mindcraft alot lately.
Amber and John got a new basketball hoop and the boys have been loving playing on it!
Brandon and Tuna having some bonding time.
Brandon enjoying some playdough time.
Buddy had a cone when I arrived on my trip, but by the time I left he got it off! Wahoo! I think he sports the cone head well.
Brandon playing in  a box before school starts. I wish I could fold up like that in a box!
Staceypants just moved to California, which was awesome so I got to see her! We had a super fun day of going to lunch, getting some new Rainbow Sandals, and going to...
Yogurtland! I had so much fun talking to Stacey and catching up! It was great becuase we never got to say goodbye in Utah when she moved, so no goodbyes, and went on straight to Hellos and reunions in California!
I love seeing Stacey!
One night Bryce and I snuck off to go get some supplies for his bow and arrow he was making. Him and some friends were doing there own version of the Hunger Games and he needed some supplies! We saw a Krispy Kreme near by and had to go! Nothing better than a donut run!
Everyday has been so beautiful here! I love California weather!
One day Bryce had a school performance talking about the California Gold Rush. Bryce did an awesome job! He even had 2 lines to preform and did amazing!
Bryce's quill and arrows we made! His bow is awesome to!
Friday my sister Amber and I got pedicures! It was great and relaxing! Amber has the pink toes!
Growing up we had a Thrifty ice cream store right by our house! We went every monday night! They have the best flavors ever! I got chocolate malted crunch and it oh it is good! The oval shape scooper for the ice cream is just amazing! Just the memory of this place is amazing!
Eating at chipolte! Bryces friend Fletcher came to join us for dinner after his and Bryces soccer practice.
 Last Saturday Bryce had a soccer game. He did great! He even got knocked over and rolled. He got into the game and it was exciting!
 Brandon played on Ambers phone the entire time at the game! He was cracking me up how he was pointing his toe and he crossed his legs. Brandon is such a cutie.
 After the game we enjoyed some delicious In-N-Out Burger! Yummmmmmy! Amber bought us all matching In-N-Out t-shirts to wear! Wahoo! Thanks Amby!
 I have been playing alot of ticket to ride on my phone lately! My best score!
 Baja Fish Tacos for lunch again! I got to eat here 3 times while I was in CA. My favorite is their chips and guacamole and steak carne asada burrito!
 Yummy Thrifty Ice Cream again! Oh so good! I want more!
 Brandon loves story time! He was so cute and let me read to him a couple times before bed time.
 Bryce and I got to go to Disneyland, so we had to get Brandon a surprise from there since he didn't get to come (it was Brandons bed time) so we got him a bubble gun that lights up! He has been playing with it everyday after school since!
 Buddy and I have bonded alot this trip. I have never seen a dog get so excited to go on walks. It is so cute! I want my own puppy dog to go on walks with! While I was hear I got to do a little shopping and got a few new work outfits! Here is one of my new ones! I loved these flower pants! A must :)
 Brandon and I got to spend some fun time at the pool! No one was there the entire time we were there! So awesome! We had lots of fun playing catch and baseball around the pool and hot tub.
 Jake and I have been playing more draw some on our phones. I was quite impressed with his drawing. The yellow kitchen aid and tomatos and old fashion fridge were my favorite parts of this drawing :)

I had an awesome time with my sister and her fam. I will be sad to leave them. They have been so wonderful to me and made me have a blast! I will miss them until next party time :)

1 comment

  1. HOW FUN. I just went and got pedicures with my mom and sister a week ago! It's good for the soul :)

    p.s. holy smokes, Brandon has the most beautiful skin.
