LEGO - series 7 minifigures

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I can't believe LEGO Series 7 is already out! Oh they have the cutest 16 mini figures! Jake and I wanted to get all 16 of them, but we spent to much money this month on other things, so we picked out our top 6 and went on a search hunt for them.
We spent 2 hours at ToysRus looking for the mini figures we wanted! Jake is pretty awesome at finding which ones we want. It does take the mystery fun away from opening the package, but at least you know you are getting one you really want!
Getting ready to open our packages! Wahoo!
Bunny and King Trighton!
These ones are all so cool! We still want to get the rest of the LEGO series 7, but well have to wait till next month. Hopefully the stores will still have them! Minifigures always go so fast!

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