Local Inspire :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

This lovely handout was designed and made by my new friend Diana who I met at the last Queen Bee Market I attended. She was also a vendor at the market! Diana has a super cute Etsy shop and an awesome blog :)

Diana, myself and our friend (also met at QBM) Julie wanted to meet up with some other people who have online stores to chat about ideas, marketing, advertising and that kind of stuff! So we invited some people and planned a date!
 I picked up cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy for treats....
I was so excited to have this event at my house. I was sad when it was Diana and I. I was excited to meet with Diana, but we were both excited to meet new people to. We were just bummed that 8 people said they were going to come, and none of them came :( I guess thats life... Hopefully next time we do this more people will come :) I did have fun playing with Diana and talking to her :) I am glad we still had fun talking and eating lots of cupcakes :)
Thanks Diana for a lovely evening! If anyone ever wants to come join for a fun, relaxing girls night and to talk about online stores and blogs... let me know :)

1 comment

  1. Where did you get your cute white hobnail cake stands? I LOVE them!
