After Yogurtland, I went home and picked up Jake and we went grocery shopping! We invited Jakes family over for Mothers Day Dinner, so we needed to go get some supplies ;) We saw these new green and white jungle cookies and had to get them! They are just as good as the pink and white ones! But they are really cute new animals!
Friday morning, I was still catching up on my store! Later in the day, around 2 we left to Salt Lake to go to Jakes cousins wedding and dinner. We had so much fun! Pictures from that later to come ;)
Saturday, we stared the morning off with a lovely bike ride and finished at Golden Spoon. Always a great choice!
For lunch we went to In and Out Burger! Oh yummmmmmmy!
Saturday night was Jakes really good friends Bretts bday party! His wife put together a super cute MineCraft party! Check out these super cute cupcakes she got made! They are square! They were super cute and yummy! We had a blast playing at the party, eating WingNutz, talking with Bretts awesome family and playing MineCraft :) We got home at 11pm we were having so much fun!
When we got home, I was checking out instagram and saw this! My friend Krystal got an elephant and posted about it! He looks so cute on her bed! Seeing this picture seriously made my day! Thanks Krystal!
Sunday morning was a lovely morning. Jake woke me up with my favorite breakfast- Chocolate Chip Pancakes! Then he gave me some presents! He is the sweetest! Then we stayed up and helped me get the meat started and food ready for mothers day dinner!
After church, we came home and got the house ready for the party. Check out all the laundry in the back was time:) Jake had a great idea to get some flowers from the yard and make a center piece. He did such a great job! I was so impressed and thought that was so cute he did that.
Getting mothers day gifts for all the girls coming to the party ready!
Jakes flower arrangement :)
I was dying to play my new MarioKart game Jake got me for mothers day! It is so awesome! You can link up to 8 players on this and race each other! Jake and I played it for a little bit before guests arrived for the Mothers Day Dinner Party-pictures coming soon :)
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Finishing the night off with a yummy, yummy treat!!!!! This Magnum bar was a carmel one! One of my favorite kinds! |
food looks so good! now i'm hungry.