weekly update - an awesome, relaxing week!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wow! Can I say I just loved this week?! It was fantastic! Monday I got to bring Jake lunch and visit with him at work. That was fun! Then I had some Girls Camp Meetings and came home.
I saw my neighbor outside when I got home, and she invited me to the park!  So we round up her kids and drove to a park! It was a beautiful day out. We had fun pushing the girls on the swings and catching up on talking!
In the evening, Jake and I went on a bike ride! It was lovely!
Tuna is a great bike rider!
For dinner, Jake and I made one our favorites, and easiest meals ever...buffalo chicken bites over lettuce with ranch. I dont know why, but this really is one of our favorites!
Tuesday, I literally played Mario Kart in bed from 7am till 4 pm! It was so much fun! I had to play till I beat all the new levels and unlocked new cars and car detail options! I still have a little bit to complete, but wow! They did an amazing job on this 3D game. I dont get tired from looking at the screen and it all flows very nicely!
Tuesday night I had a Girls Camp Night where we made camp necklaces. I made some homemade Oreo cookies for the girls! If you want the recipe, here it is! These are super delicious, fast and easy! They are always a hit! Go OREOS!
Wednesday, I felt super sick all day and could not get out of bed. So...I shopped online...always a favorite!
And once again played video games all day! It was a blast! I felt sick, but if I didn't move, it was great!
When Jake got home from work, I was starving and dying to get out of the house, so I took some medicine, put on a smile..and we went for a bike ride!
I am so glad we went on a bike ride! It was awesome!
That night I played Ticket to Ride and got my best score yet! Wahoo! I still have not broken 200 but I am working on it! I try every time!
Thursday was another sick day :( But I watched lots of great movies! Hook, Happy Gilmore, Mr. Deeds, Peter Pan, Emperors New Groove, Kronks New Groove. It was a great movie day ;)
Jake and I went on another bike ride and saw tons of snakes! Some ran over...and some still alive! This one was still alive, so we wanted to help him get off the trail so he would live. He was such a cute snake.
Jake helping the snake off the road. He was such a cute snake! We saw 3 squirrels, tons of black beetles and we were covered in caterpillars! It was a very nature day!
After our bike ride, we were so hungry, we went to Five Guys! Oh it was so delicious! I am really starting to like there burgers the more I got there! I got the bacon and cheeseburger with everything on it and extra jalepenos and ohhhhh it was so gooood! After Five Guys we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy and got delicious cup cakes! And then to top of the night even more....Jake took me to the fabric store and I got yards and yards of LOTS of good stuff! I was so excited when I got home, I didn't even feel sick anymore...well after midnight...so I pulled a really late night till 6am.....and worked on crafts. I finally felt good and I was going to take advantage of that!
So I just discovered this picture. haha. I was downloading pictures from this week and somehow this picture was in it. Funny Jake. He caught me sleeping with Lamb Chop ;) Well, this was Friday morning I am guessing. Sleeping in after a late night. Always a great way to start a day!

Friday afternoon, I went with some ladies from my church around to houses to pick up items people had volunteered to donate for a Girls Camp Fundraiser that we did on Saturday! That was fun to meet some people in my church I hadn't gotten to meet yet! So many people donated tons of stuff it was great!
Friday night Jake took me on a date night! He said I got to pick where we went....so of course I picked one of my favorites... Bombay House for Indian food! Ah I LOVE Indian food! It is so delicious! All the flavors, over yummy rice....yes please! Then for dessert I choose once again Sweet Tooth Fairy. I have been going there almost every day for the past few weeks. You think I would be sick of it by now....I am not! I LOVE CUPCAKES!
 Saturday, I had my Girls Camp Fundraisers from 6am-2pm! I was shocked at how well it went! Wahoo! When I got home, Jake and I took a nap and didn't wake up till 7pm. Whoops...I LOVE naps! For dinner we made buffalo chicken, cilantro, jalepeno and cheese paninis! They were so good!
Sunday, I felt sick again all day :( I dont know what is wrong with me this week. Jake felt sick to. I think we caught mono or something. Just kidding. We did have a great time at church though and came home and ate tons of snacks and food! Then we watched lots of movies....Mr. Deeds, Happy Gilmore, Mulan, Enchanted, Aladdin and Ferris Bullers Day Off. It was a great Sunday!


  1. Your weekend looks like bliss and so busy at the same time! I looove snakes so good on Jake for helping the little fella!

  2. I am so sorry you haven't been feeling the best. I am in the same boat with you...I woke up today and had such intense back pain that I couldn't walk!!! Wierd. Anyways, the buffalo cheese paninis looks out of this world delicious and I love the Anthro plates they are on (I have those same ones). Hope this week is better for you girly :)
