weekly update - in AZ

Monday, July 23, 2012

This has been an awesome week! Monday I got to go to the store to get some treats and get some supplies to finish up the last BOM's for girls camp! When Jake got home from work, he took me to the airport to drop me off! We said our goodbyes as I flew off to Arizona to go visit my family!
 My plane was an hour late from a rain storm so I got some dinner at Cafe Rio at the airport! When I got home to AZ, I got to see my mom, dad and my sister Hayley! It was so fun catching up! I was so happy to see Hayley! Her living in Ohio, I feel I dont get to see her enough! I am so glad we both got to stay at my parents home so we got to see each other more!
Tuesday morning, Mallory lost her tooth! She was so excited to show me! She pulled it out all by herself! I was excited to give her a pig I made her and some pez :)
 I have been dying to see Reid. He is just so juicy I can't handle it! I brought him some bow ties and a pez.
 Oh Lindy! She is adorable! Her little hair and fingers, smile, everything about her! So cute! I just want to hold her all day long...if she would let me :)
 Mom and Lindy are best friends!
 I found Mallory the tooth pillow I used, and as well as all my sisters used growing up to put our tooth in to go under our pillow! My mom made the cute tooth pillow.
 Who knew a little pez toy could bring so much joy!
 Tuesday we played the day away..including lots of Nintendo time!
 Tuesday I got to go out to lunch with a one of my best friends since we were both 2 years old, Aimee Gurr. We went to one of our favorite spots, Neds Crazy Subs!
 Club, hot on wheat with everything...YUM!
 Cute Aimee! And she is 5 months pregnant with a little boy!
 After lunch, Aimee and I came over to my parents to hang out. My mom was watching baby Lindy. She also made homemade bread when Lindy was taking a nap! Lindy loved the warm bread from the oven! So did I!
 My cute mom taking bread and treats to some friends.
 Tuesday, Hayley was still out with Mallory and Reid, so Tuna and I started to do some sewing!
 Later in the day, Aubrey and her cute kids Shane and Alyssa came over to hang out!
 My father loves rocks! So anytime the grandkids are around, he lets them pick out bags of rocks. Reid loves rocks now to. He was so excited to show me each of his rocks. He took out each rock individually and told me what color it was.
 Some of Reids favorite rocks.
 I found this picture on my phone......and I LOVE it. A picture Reid took of himself. So dang cute!
 Nientedo to end the night :)
 Wednesday, Mallory and I woke up and ate some fresh salsa for breakfast!
 Mallory got Tuna and Dot ready to leave for the day.
 Reid getting a quick snack before we left :)
 First on the list...we headed to Walmart to get some groceries.
 What a sweet mom Hayley is.
 Reid playing with a neat lizard he found.
 After Walmart, we went to Hallmark for the kids to pick out a toy.
 I LOVE the little baby boos. So Cute!
 Reid picked out some Squeezies!
 Mallory picked out a puppy dog and named him Spot. Perfect puppy dog name.
 On our way home for errands we picked up some Neds Crazy Subs for lunch before we hit the pool.
 Oh yum!!! I love my Neds! Then we swam for hours! Aubrey and her kids came over and we all had a blast!
 Mom made roasted pork burritos with green bean casserole! She is the best! I dont know how she has time to do everything she does! She is amazing!
 After swimming Shane and I played some Nientedo!
 Mom surprised us again with an amazing fruit pizza! It was so delicious! Fruit pizza is one sweet treat I cant stop eating!
 Thursday started off great with these two :)
 Lindy and Tuna also bonded today! They became really close friends.
While mom was a gem and took the kids swimming, Hayley and I had a hair dying party, and I gave her a hair cut! When Mallory was back from the pool, I got to give her a trim to and put some layers in her cute curly hair!
 Thursday night, mom and I got to go on a date just us to! We went to the movies and got popcorn and drinks! So dreamy! We saw Moorise Kingdom. We really liked it. There were some inappropriate parts, but overall we were laughing and having fun.
 After the movies, we went shopping and got a yummy meal in the food court!
Friday, I got to go to lunch with one of my best friends Scarlett Bendixen. We went to Lo Lo's Chicken and Waffles. It was so fun! We both loved our meals! I had so much fun seeing Scarlett! I feel I dont get to see her enough when I come in town so I was so glad we got to catch up! She is 5 months pregnant and having a cute little girl! Wahoo!
At 2, my sisters Cami, Aubrey, and Hayley and I all met up to do some shopping! I am trying not to spend money, so I followed my sisters around and had fun talking to them. After some shopping, Hayley and I got to go to Aubreys house. We picked up some BJ's Brewery Buffalo Chicken Pizza and it was amazing! My favorite pizza of all time!
 We also picked up some yummy Krispy Kreme doughnuts! YUM!!!
 Saturday was a great relaxing day! Tuna and Dot made a new spider friend Spinner.
 Hayley, Mallory, Reid, Tuna and I got to play some video games. When the kids were watching a movie..Hayley and I got to get some serious Tettris Attack in. Oh wow, it brought back some great memories. I cant wait to play her again! Funnest game ever!
 Mom and I got to go on a date again tonight! We went to Scottsdale Fashion Square and did some shopping! We ate at Pita Jungle for dinner! So Yummy!!!!
To top off the night, mom took me to see the new Batman movie! It was so good! It was a dark movie, but it ends with hope and possibility of a sequel....?
 Sunday, we had a fun time a church, and came home to a yummy pan of enchiladas mom made!
Reid eating a mango, and very excited about it! Cutest boy ever! I had the most peaceful day! I sat outside on the porch for 3 hours playing Ticket to Ride on my phone and enjoying the beautiful clouds out side. Ate dinner and talked to my dad for hours. I love talking to my dad. He is the best! I love him so much! And then to top off the night again...
my mom made chocolate dipped strawberries! Yum! side note * I am dying to watch the Finale of the Bachlorette! My sisters all wanted to get together Monday night to watch it all together! I am dying to see it! I hope its a good episode :)

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