weekly update

Sunday, July 15, 2012

This has been quite an exciting week! LOTS happend :) I also got some packages in the mail! Wahoo!
Tuesday, Jake and I were so excited to go to the temple and  it was closed...bummer. Good thing we live in Utah. There are lots of other temples to go to :)
We went to the Timpanogas Temple. It was great! It was nice to feel some peace and comfort.
For dinner, we ate at Taco Time and met up with our Realtor after! She is amazing!
For girls camp...I am in-charge of decorations and crafts. The girls really wanted mini Book of Mormons and so I made 32 of them this week. I am not going to lie...they took so long to make..I am pooped.
Here are my first 2 book covers I finished! I was quite happy with them!
Staceypants birthday was last week. (July 3). I have missed her lots since she has moved to California. I sent her this Lulu top for her birthday! I was so glad to see it fit perfect! I miss Stacey!
Wednesday Jake and I ate at Pandas for Dinner.
After we went over to Yogurtland to see the new Hello Kitty summer items! Wahoo! When we saw the Hello Kitty plush...we knew it was a must have for us!
Hello Kitty stands all by her self! She is so cute!
Hanging out having a craft night :)
Thursday night we got to go out to Bombay House for some indian food with my Uncle Steve and Aunt Leeann! Uncle Steve in my dads brother :) We had fun talking to them and catching up! There daughter is pregnant and they are going to have their first grandchild soon!
Thursday was a late night. And I still didn't get the Book of Mormon covers done. 
 Friday, I did a giveaway! Its still going till tomorrow if you want to check it out!
Friday, some new clothes came in the mail! Whoop whoop! So exciting! The non exciting part was I hate Anthropologies shipping. They are overpriced, and take forever to come in the mail. Also, my package was split open and clothes hanging out of the package. The bag was a brown bag with layers and got fibers all over the bags of the clothes. I had to use a wash cloth to get all the junk off. Yuck. But the clothes were really cute! I was happy with those :)
 Friday it also rained alot! I love rainy days!
 Friday night, Jake and I went to Yogurtland, and drove to Moab at 9pm. Pictures to come from Moab soon.....we went skydiving!!!!
Sleepover in the back of my car!

Jake and I got home late Saturday night and all I wanted to do was take a hot bath! Wahoo! I love baths! Sunday was a great day! It rained a bit, and worked on more mini Book of Mormon covers! Wahoo!
 Sunday night, Jake made enchiladas for dinner and chocolate chip cookies! Hes is the best!
Hello Kitty helped me finish up the mini BOM project! Wahoo! SO happy to have all those done! Now I need to wrap them....


  1. busy week! your covers are too cute..i wish i was going to camp haha! in the pic with your uncle i love your bright top...too cute!

  2. If you love baths you would love the store called LUSH. I am not sure if there is one in Utah but you can also order online. Anyways, I am obsessed with their bath bombs, their bubble bars and everything else they carry. Check it out!
    I can't wait to see your new outfits :) I love JCREW and Anthro!
