weekly update

Monday, July 9, 2012

This has been an exciting week! Monday I got to meet up with Aimee and Brandon Gurr at Bajios for lunch! They were in town and I was so glad I got to see them for a little bit! It was nice to catch up and have some fun!
Monday night we looked at houses, and houses, and houses! House hunting is hard...we are thinking of building. After we ate dinner at 11pm. We were starving! We went for our first time at the Purple Turtle! We loved it! We will have to go again!
Tuesday, one of my best friends from AZ found out she was having a baby girl! Scarlett has 2 boys, so a little girl came as a shock! I was so excited for her, I had to grab a few treats to send her new little girl! I was loving the little shoes! I want them in my size!
Tuesday, more fires hit Utah. Jake took this picture when he was leaving work. The fire was in the Alpine area. Scary. I was glad they were able to get it out, and it rained later in the week.
Tuesday dinner and caught up on the Bacholorette. Wednesday was 4th of July! I cant believe its already July...where is the summer going...
Thursday was an awesome rainy day! I ate some chips and guac for lunch.
When Jake got home from work, he helped me run a bunch of flyers around for girls camp.  It started pouring rain on us so hard. We pulled over and watched the rain fall. It was so fun. Tuney liked seeing all the water rush fast in the gutters.
For dinner we had left over chicken tortilla soup. Perfect for a rainy day.
Jake feel asleep while I made crafts. Such a cute boy.
Friday was a really fun day. In the afternoon I went to my friend Dianas house and hung out. Then I went to Yogurtland with my cute mother in law :) It was fun to catch up!
When Jake came home, he took me on a surprise date! It started at Bombay House for some delicious indian food! Oh yum! Then we went to the store and picked out a beanie baby, and then met my awesome friend Megan Miller at Home Depot to pick out some paint colors for a home she just built.
Then Jake surprised me and took me to Comedy Sports. We had so much fun enjoying the show. A perfect night! Then we went home, and cut watermelon, and more watermelon, and more watermelon....for a girls camp activity in the morning.
Saturday we spent the morning at the Lindon Port with our young women canoeing! We all had so much fun! I was surprised and so happy with how well it went!
Jake is always the best husband ever! He is so sweet and helpful and came to be our male support at the activity! I love him so much!
My weekend ended with this super cute picture of Lindy! She turned 1! Oh I miss her and cant wait to see her juicy cheeks soon!


  1. UH MA GOWD. i am officially drooling. what is that thing up in that first picture? its deliciousness, is what that is.

  2. yay for scarlett!! love those little shoes! i would love to try to canoe sometime, how fun! and that little girl at the bottom...really, could they come any cuter??!! love her little face!

  3. That last picture is just the sweetest!
