weekly update

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy July! How time flys! Wow, can I say I am just pooped? I am....I was looking at pictures from the beginning of the week, and they felt so long ago like this happend months ago. I guess that means its been a super busy long week. Wowzas! Well, Monday-Thursday, Jake was out of town in DC. I was home by myself :( Surprisingly though, I was so dang busy, the time flew by soo fast. Monday I had lots of errands. We had just got back from AZ so there was lots to do. Groceries, get my car registered, catch up on Etsy orders and fun stuff like that...
 Monday I made lunch! Pesto, tomato, cheese panani
 I thought since Jake was out of town, I would party. I bought 3 boxes of chocolate Magnum bars..with 3 each in them...and ate them all.
I also went to the fabric store on Monday, and met with our Realtor to look at houses! Jake and I are thinking of buying a house...and wow, can I say its so much work! It is so hard finding a place. I have gone out everyday for hours looking at houses this week. I am exhausted.
 Jake sent me this cute picture before he went to bed Monday! What a cutie! Megan came over Monday night and her and I watched the Bachlorette. We had fun talking and catching up!
Tuesday was another day of looking at houses, and then tons of stuff for my wards Girls Camp. That all didn't get over till 9 at night and I was starving. I went to Cafe Rio, and guess what? A sweet man infront of me bought my meal! What a sweet heart! I was so happy and excited! I want to do something nice like that for some one!
 Wednesday...looked at houses all day. I LOVED this one! Infact...we almost bought it. But realized..it was a little to small :( I still love it though....
Wednesday lunch..
Playing games with Jake
 Tuna and I watching some TV on Thursday...all afternoon :)
 I beat my highest score! I finally broke 200 points on ticket to ride! I was so happy!
Thursday night, Jake got home! Wahoo! I was so happy and excited! He brought me some George Town Cupcakes back! They got a little warm and displaced...but they were so good and delicious! Then, we went out and looked at houses again. Long days!
Friday, I was sick all day. Yuck. I dont like being sick. I ate buffalo chicken for lunch and that made me feel better ;)
 For dinner, Jake and I went to Which Wich! I love it there!
 Saturday morning, Jake woke me up with my favorite breakfast! I love him!
In the afternoon we went to the mall! I had to get some presents for some friends Bachlorette partys I have this week! We also made a pit stop at Build a Bear! I dont know why, but I just love this place!
 I picked out a turtle! He is so cute!
Then, Jake and I ran to Costco and the grocery store to get some items I needed for a dinner party I was having for some girls in my ward on Sunday. After, we went house hunting again from 3-10pm. Wow. What a great realtor we have :)
For a late night snack, we ended up at Arbys! Oh yummy! Jalepeno poppers in Broco Berry Sauce is my favorite of all time! It truly is "good mood food!"
 I guess Jake took this picture of me sleeping......with lots of animal friends covering me.......
Sunday was a great day! We had a great time at church, and then came home and got things ready for a dinner party! I forgot to take pictures of the whole table when I got drinks out, and the meal. Oh well! I made chicken tortilla soup, with lots of fun toppings and homemade rolls.
 For dessert I made some chocolate covered strawberries....4th of July Style and...
 Cookie dough brownies!
Stacey G. in the back is the young women's president in our ward! She is amazing! Ashley, Sydney, and Rebecca! Cute girls! We also had my friends Ruth and Stacey F. who are over girls camp! A super fun evening! It made me excited for girls camp to come!

After everyone left, my neighbor Lizza came over, and we sat in the front yard and talked till 11pm. It was so much fun! It really felt like a dreamy summer night. I loved it so much! Jake was so sweet, while I was outside talking, and cleaned the entire kitchen. He is so wonderful :)


  1. oh fun weeze! The chocolate strawberries are amazing! Loved the picture Jake took of you with all your buds sleeping around your cute face. Love you! Thanks for sharing! Missing you!
    Big hugs,

  2. wish my week was half that exciting!! love all your new fabrics!!! and that was a really cute house!
