72 years and happily in love :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday was my grandparents 72nd wedding anniversary! I just think they are the cutest! These pictures were from my grandparents 70th wedding anniversary when they came to visit it Arizona. It was so fun to see them then! I want to go out to Ohio to go visit them someday soon! I think 72 years is quite an accomplishment! Both alive and happy and going strong. I love and admire my grandparents so much!
Here is grandma and grandpa with all their kids! Except for sweet Sandra who passed away.
 Lee, David, Steve.
Here is Jake and I with my cute grandparents. We were still dating at this time. (got engaged a month later ) I hope Jake and I can be healthy and strong and make it to our 72nd wedding anniversary! So exciting!

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