moms 60th family bday

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last week was my moms 60th birthday! Cami and Jeff had a party for my mom at their house! I think my mom looks so cute in this picture! I think she should only be having her 40th birthday. She looks so young.
Look at all these special touches all done by Morgan. She is so cute! She really wanted to make my moms birthday special for her! What a cute girl! I hope to have a sweet daughter like Morgan someday.
Cami and Jeff got a fun standup pool in their backyard! Oh my goodness, the kids were allll loving it sooo much! They were all cracking me up at how much fun they were having!
Best picture of the day!
Can you tell who won me over this weekend? Oh my goodness, Alyssa is so dang cute! She has always been adorable, but wow, she has gotten so sweet and cute! I love her!
Cami made an awesome dinner! Lasagna was a hit! We ate 3 entire pans of it....
Time to sing happy birthday and get ready to eat pazookies!
Brandon trying to get some extra pazookie from Alyssa. She was more than happy to share :)
To close off the night we all talked about some favorite memories with mom, played a guessing game Morgan made up, and opened presents! It was a great evening! Morgan also played some songs on the piano for us. She did a great job!


  1. Love the pictures weeze!! We were so happy to be home for moms birthday!! What a fun time! Thanks for always capturing the great bang moments!! Love you! Amb

  2. oh my goodness! I love this post for so many reasons. Way to go kels for capturing all the great details of the night. Sweet Morgan- what a cutie. And those pictures of little lyss..... Alright fine, I'll admit it.... I can hardly see what I'm typing the tears are building up seeing all the pictures of EVERYONE there but the sad lonely faraway crandalls.....soon. soon. just a little longer......
