a california weekly update!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jake and I had an awesome Memorial weekend, and following next week in California! We had so much fun and took a million pictures...so here are just some random ones from the week.
We arrived in California Saturday evening! We went and spent some time at Down Town Disney. After we went to dinner at one of our all time favorite places...BJ's Brewery. We always get the buffalo chicken pizza!
For dessert we got an Oreo Pazookie! OOOOH YUMMMMY!
After a yummy meal, we headed to my sister Ambers! Jake and I got to stay at her home for a few nights! Amber was the sweetest and had gotten me some surprises! The cutest piggy bank and Hello Kitty watch! She is so kind and sweet to me! It was the best surprise ever!!!!!
Sunday was a great day! We had an awesome time at church! I loved seeing Jake help Brandon button his church shirt. So cute.
After church we went to Sweet Tomatos. I have not been there in ages. It was so delicious! We all loved the selection and food choices! I would love to go back again!
My mom is the sweetest. She is always so helpful. Here she is helping Brandon pick out all his food!
Brownies first! Brandon split his brownies in 4 pieces and gave us all a piece. He is always so sharitive.
My round one....and many more to follow...
Cutest ice cream cone ever!
Friday, Jake and I drove to Carlsbad for the Queen Bee Market. We got there a little early and were hungry. We found this Mexican food place off our exit and decided to give it a try.
chips, salsa, and house dressing. Jake loved the house dressing, I loved the salsa.
Our meal!
Making tacos! We liked our food! It was delicious!
During the Queen Bee Market, we had some time to kill before my work shift, so Jake and I went to the outlets. I saw these super cute boards. If I ever skate again, I want the hot pink one!
Then Jake and I met up with his friend Tara at VG Donut and Bakery. It was national donut day..and guess what...they were completely out of donuts. So, they whipped us up these 3 donuts so we could each have one.
Saturday, we got to hang out at Amber and Johns! John was so sweet and picked us all Pollo Loco for lunch. It was yummy!
Later in the day, Jake and I went to Carlsbad to pack up my stuff from the boutique. It was fun. I was glad our vacation worked out great with a boutique involved to! On our way home I was craving donuts, so we googled nearest donut shop, and found Kellys Donuts. Holy cow they were so good! I got these two donuts and scarfed them down quick!
Amber was so sweet and let me borrow some display stuff for the boutique. While we were out, Buddy had gotten a hair cut and looked sooo cute! I want a dog so bad!
We ended Saturday night off strong with mom, Val, and Maddie at Z Pizza and Golden Spoon!
Then Jake and I went over to Amber and Johns house to say goodbyes! Amber had gotten all the boys penguins! I was loving seeing the penguins and the boys playing Halo together!
Amber sent this picture to Jake and I on Sunday
When Jake and I got back from Ambers, on accident I stepped on a slug. I felt really bad. But I guess he became a meal to other snails....Sorry Mr. Slug.
Then Val, Maddie, Mom and I played a game of Five Crowns before heading off to bed. Val kicked butt.
Saturday, Jake and I had a nice drive home. We stopped in Vegas for a little break, went to church, ate some food, and continued home. It was so lovely out the entire drive.
This is Tunas new friend Peanut.
This is some serious skill..........
Jake and I had an awesome week in California! But it sure feels wonderful to be home to!

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