weekly update

Monday, June 18, 2012

This has been a great week!
Last Sunday, Jake was so excited because he had some time to play some 3DS. We are loving the new Mariokart they made for it!
Monday, I went out and did lots of errands! I found some cute kitchen items for my friend Megan. She just bought a home, so I wanted to get her a house warming gift!
Megan also, just got a new awesome teaching type of job, so of course I had to get some apple items :)
Tuesday Megan and I met up for some dinner at PF Changs! I was excited to finally say happy late birthday to her and take her out! We love PF Changs! It was so good to catch up and hang out with Megan. After dinner, we went to the mall and did some shopping! We both got some cute hats, and hair excessories and some clothes! I got some super cute Forth of July decor to!
Tuesday night, I went for round 2 dinner at my churches Enrichment Night. It was quite fun! I got to meet some ladies I didn't know to well in my ward and get to know them and eat dinner again :) After, my friend Andrea, her husband Daniel, Jake and I all rode our bikes to Farr's Fresh to get some yogurt. I have never had a good yogurt experience there, and I was happy to have a good one! Usually my ice cream would melt so fast before I could eat it all, but this time it didn't! Looks like some good tables turned for them.
This week in any spare moments, I have been working on Narwhals! Tuney likes to hang out with each one. Well..I guess he likes to sit on their heads.
Wednesday night, Jake and I got to meet up with Jakes parents for a fun dinner at Kneaders! We wanted to make sure we got to say Happy Fathers Day to his dad, because they were not going to be in town for Fathers Day!
Thursday, I woke up to this in the lawn......I guess its time for us to find a new place to live :(
Thursday when Jake got off work, we rode our bikes for a yummy treat at The Chocolate! It was so fun! I am LOVING this summer weather and that it is so nice outside to walk or ride our bikes places!
Friday night, we got some pizza and had the night in! I was wanting to sew and Jake was feeling super sick...so it worked out :)
Later in the night, I felt we needed some ice cream, so I went and picked up some Cold Stone! YUM!
 Saturday was an errand day! We even got to visit Marin and Drew so that was so fun! Awhile ago they got the cutest dog from the pound. She is so sweet and such a good dog. I am so puppy dog hungry.
 Saturday night Tuney helped me make cupcakes for our Sunday School class.
 Sunday was Fathers Day! Jake was excited about his Fathers Day treats! We spent the evening watching Adventure Time and building Lego sets!
I started on my R2D2 Lego set! Thank goodness the bags were labeled with numbers! I only got to bag 3! This baby is going to take alot of time and love!
I complete forgot about Draw Some till I got a notice from my mom it has been long due my turn....I forget how much fun this game is!
Late Sunday night, we discovered Tokyo Tuna. He decided we should all watch a movie...so we watched Tokyo Drift. Perfect way to end a good week :)

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