Wayne Anderson Memorial

Friday, June 29, 2012

Last weekend, my family and I attend a Memorial Service for not only my dads business partner, but a really good family friend. The Anderson family and all the people involved did an amazing job with the service. It was beautiful, and a celebration of Waynes wonderful life.
Waynes favorite color was orange, so they asked everyone to wear some orange or bright colors if they had it. I was glad they wanted to celebrate the amazing life Wayne lived. Wayne battled cancer the last few years of his life and was a trooper. He truly is an inspirational man for all to look up to. The memorial was super emotional for me. I had several days of crying when I heard Wayne had passed away, but at the memorial I couldn't hold my tears back. I went through tons and tons of kleenex. I think I was just super sad to think my friends had lost their dad, my father had lost his best friend and business partner, and that I would never see Wayne again. (in this life :) But, I wont forget Wayne. He is an amazing man and I know that he is happy to be in Heaven with his Savior, Jesus Christ. I was so impressed with the Anderson family. They were so strong at the memorial, and so hopeful. I want to be like them. They are an amazing family.
My cute nieces and nephew Bree, Gavin, and Morgan after the service.
After the service there was a reception. Here is Jeff, Cami and Jake hanging out and talking.
I was so happy to see so many amazing and supportive people come to Waynes memorial. It really showed to me what an amazing man he really is. 

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