The Queen Bee Market Carlsbad California

Monday, June 11, 2012

Last weekend I got to participate in the Carlsbad Queen Bee Market! It was a lot of fun! My sister Amber was so awesome and let me borrow so much of her stuff for me to complete my display! Its so nice having her live in California for that reason and so much more! She is always so helpful and giving! I was so happy with how everything turned out!
This time I came a little more prepared with some stuffed animals! Jake and I got set up early, so we walked across the street to the beach till the boutique started!
Let the market begin!

Jake and I were loving all the soaps made from the Soap Cakery! Wow, her stuff is so professional, and amazing! All her items smell like the real item it is! So cool! She also had really neat LEGO and kids bars of soaps that were really neat! I also got to meet Laura who makes all the shops and she is WONDERFUL! We had to get a few items from her because they were so awesome!
I also had a new experience.....kind people instagraming pictures! I was LOVING IT! Thanks for all the wonderful people who did that! I also got to meet Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy and she is great! She has the most beautiful eyes to!
My mom, Val and Maddie were so sweet and came and visited me and Jake at the Boutique! It was so nice to see them! After we all went for some late night dinner at one of my all time favorites...Rubys! This is a turtle milk shake! I think it is my new favorite!
I always have to get friend zucchini! Oh its amazing! and has childhood memories to go with it!
South Western Burger! Oh yummy! I LOVED it! and the back chili on it!
Tuna also got a new friend today! His name is Peanut! Amber doing some cleaning and found him! She thought Tuna needed a friend! They had so much fun spending the rest of the trip together!

1 comment

  1. Kels you are so AMAZING! You are such a business woman. but seriously did you move to California?? You are always there. Im so jealous :) Love ya!
