weekly update - in ARIZONA :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Jake and I had a wonderful week! It started out with some In and Out Burger for family night!
Tuna has been hanging out alot with Mr. Buffalo this week. He brought him to Arizona.
Tuesday was a big errand day. For dinner, Jake and I got Betos and watched the new episode of the Bachlorette. Oh, we love that show :)
Wednesday, Jake and I flew to Arizona! I was shocked to see a Cafe Rio in the Salt Lake Airport! We ate there before our flight :)
Thursday was my mom and dads 39th wedding anniversary! My dad sent my mom some cute flowers! Jake, my mom and I had a fun day at Last Chance, Zupas, Ext. to get some fabric, took naps, and later that night...my moms surprise 60th Birthday party! Her friends were so dang cute and got together and planned her the funnest birthday! More pictures to come from that!
Friday morning my mom made us breakfast! On her bday? not right :) She is always so sweet! Today my mom officially turned 60 years old! Go mom!
Jake made my mom this cute birthday banner! He did such a great job on it! We put it up the night before so my mom would wake up to it in the morning :)
The Wormells came in town for a really good family friends memorial service. It was so nice to all be together for moms birthday!
Jake and Brandon played in the pool for hours, while mom, Bryce, Amber and I all went to Chandler Mall to do some shopping!
I found this cute book at Barnes and Noble I wanted to get! After a great time shopping, we went to Native to eat! Oh yumm! Then we went home and got ready for Waynes Memorial. That was an intense and emotional night for me.
Saturday afternoon, Jake, my mom and I went to go see Aimee and Brandons Nursery and get some pizza at Ghinaldis with them! We got to see the new Gilbert LDS Temple being built! So exciting! It is beautiful! It is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be! Saturday night, Cami and Jeff through mom a family bday party! More pictures from that to come!
Sunday, we had church bright and early! After church, we ate, looked at old scrapbooks, and took naps. I like how Jake is smiling in his sleep. Cute boy.
Later, we ate again..and had some yummy peach pie dessert! I love being home! I love being around my family! They make me so happy! I love that they are always so positive and uplifting. Well, sadly, it was time for Jake and I to leave. The trip went so fast :( But we had a wonderful time! We said our goodbyes, and mom took us to the airport.
Jake and I had a great flight. I slept the whole time on Jakes shoulder. When we got off the plane, we got a little snack for dinner and headed home!

I get to see my sister Hayley in a few weeks and I have been dying to see her kids. Especially Reid. Something about this little guy gets me every time! When I got off my flight I saw this picture text on my phone with a caption that said "this is how excited Reid is to see you soon!" Oh...it just melted me! I love this little guy so much! I cant wait to see him! He is just the cutest! Made my night!


  1. The gilbert Temple is beautiful! Reminds me of how a lot of the Utah temple's look.
    Glad you had a nice trip to AZ. It's hot as heck down here but thank goodness for pools and AC!

  2. wow another great post! I can't wait to see the pictures from mom's surprise party! Don't leave me hanging too long.... and I'm glad you liked the text from Reid- thx for appreciating that crazy boy! xoxo
