az eats

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everytime I go home, there are so many places I want to eat and never enough time! I am happy with the places we got to eat, but wished I got to eat more! Here is a picture from when we ate at Native New Yorker! Hot and Honey hot wings are ohhh so good!
Sweet Cakes cookies! So good! I wish we were able to eat a lunch there to! Next time :) I love their sugar cookie and chocolate chip! My two favorites from there.
Check out this to go box you get to pick what you want to put in it, and a whole garlic nan! India Oven is amazing! I love to eat there, but we didn't have time, so we got a to go box! This box fed 4 of us till we were stuffed and was only $10.00. I wish I lived by India Oven. I would get take out buffet everyday.
On an adventure to Last Chance, we saw Zupas across the street. I was shocked! I thought these were just in Utah, but they said they recently opened this location!
I liked our meals, but I not my favorite. I feel Zupas is good food, but I dont know if I would pick to go again. Not that its not tasty...I guess I am more of a full sandwich or sub girl.
To top off the trip......we ate at Ghrinalidis! I have been wanting to go there because I have missed going so many times in New York. It was really good, but I think my heart will always be set on deep dish. I also feel here for the price its a little on the expensive side. I am glad I tried it though. I liked it!


  1. India Oven is divine!! Down the street a little (going South) there is another Indian resturant called Guru Palace and they have the best Tandoori chicken ever!
    I have also always wanted to try Zupas! Nice to know there is one by Last Chance...the greatest store ever!

  2. Dang woman!!! I don't know if I read your blog so I can see how the family is doing and all the fun things you and Jake do or if I read your blog just so I can drool over all the cool food you guys eat !! Auntie Randy, Mom's bday looked so fun. Happy 60th :)
