we are ANGELS fans :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wednesday night, Jake and I got to go to an Angels game! We were so excited to take Tuney back to where he came from for a visit. Jake and I were excited when we found out the game was against the Yankees! We knew we were in for an awesome game! 
Heading up to the stadium!
Let the Ball Game Begin!
Jake looking so cute in his Angels ball cap!
Someone on the Angels team got a home run...so fireworks and tons of cheering happened!

Lets just say..a ball game is not complete with out a hot dog. I was so full from all the food we had eaten all day at Disneyland, but I just had to have a hot dog! I am so glad we got it! A foot long was perfect to share! Oh YUMMY!
The game was a close game. Angels 5, Yankees 6. Bummer. It was close and a good fight! We still love the Angels though!

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