weekly update

Monday, June 11, 2012

This week was a super busy one, but fun one! Monday night, Jake and I sat down for dinner and started a movie, and have tried to finish 3 times, but have been to busy to do so! Hopefully next week we can finish it!
Tuney hung out alot with is puppy dog cookie this week. They are the best of buds!
 I have been feeling pretty sick this week (I am not pregnant :) and I was craving donuts Monday night. Jake was so sweet and woke me up with them Tuesday morning! I was so excited! I literally ate the entire box all by my self. Well, I left one donut for Jake to eat.
 For dinner Tuesday, Jake and I got In and Out Burger! YUM! I ove their burgers! I have to get a double double animal style, extra sauce every time! My favorite!
Wednesday, I ran a lot of errands! I stopped at J-dawgs for lunch!
This week I have also gotten some fun orders! I would say that one of my favorite things is seeing people happy with their items! Thank you guys! Isn't that boy so handsome in his bow tie? I LOVE IT!
Friday morning, Jake woke me up with chocolate chip pancakes! He is so sweet! Breakfast in bed 2 times this week! What a man!
 Then Jake and I got to spend the morning together doing a 5k for his work! We had so much fun! I was hoping to run the whole thing, but I was feeling so sick....so maybe another day we can run 3 miles! We still had a blast walking it!
Saturday, Jake and I had a lot of fun! We rode our bike to the movie theaters and saw 3 movies! Snow White and the Huntsmen (it was way to scary for me...) and Madagascar 3, which was AMAZING! It was so cute! We wanted to go see it right away again, it was so good!
 For lunch, Jake and I tried a new place called Which Wich? Oh my goodness....it was amazing! I cant wait to go again!
 For dessert, we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy! I thought the Ice Cream Sundae cupcake was soooo cute! I will have to get one sometime this month! After some fun adventures, we came home to get ready to go to Summerfest, but feel asleep and didn't wake up till 8:30...I was actually really sad about that because I wanted to go to the parade!
When we woke up, we went to Target instead and had some fun! We saw fireworks as we were leaving, and it was beautiful!
Sunday was a great day! For dinner we made a taco type of salad! I really liked it!
For dessert, we made pineapple skewers in chocolate! We pretended we worked at Disneyland and were master choclatiers!
All done! Ah they were so Delicious! Cant wait to make these again!


  1. Oh those Pineapple wedges look so tasty!
    I too have a target shopping problem. There is just so much good stuff there!
