a sunday walk to the beach with smores

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sunday after church, mom, Jake, Brandon, Tuna and I took a walk to the beach! Brandon rode his bike and did such a great job! It was a lovely day out!
Jake and Brandon went to go put their feet in the water.
On our walk back, we took a different route. We saw a mom and her baby ducks! So cute!
My cute mom!
Brandon having a hard time up the hill. He did a great job and made it up all by him self!
Tuna found a really large dessert plant.
When we got back from our walk, Brandon was still full of energy and played on the tree outside! He is so cute.
Later in the evening, at moms house, Jake, Bryce and I went over for smores. There were some house guests from AZ there, so it was fun to see them and eat some smores together. It was a perfect temperature outside and a great night for roasting some marshmallows.
a smeese......
Now thats a big bite!
Tuna was so excited he found a snail friend. He loves snails!
Bryce carrying Tuna home. They are the best of buds.

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