Swim Time

Friday, July 20, 2012

 This past week has been a blast! I have been able to hang out in Arizona with most of all of my family! It has been so wonderful! We have been doing lots of swimming and playing in the sun! One day were were out in the pool for 5 hours. It brought back alot of childhood memories of playing in the pool all day, then playing Nientendo and just being in swim suits all day. Summer time is the best! This picture is of cute Alyssa. She has such a cute smile.
 Reid and Mallory
 Shane. He is fearless.
 Mom laying out reading her book :)
 Mallory and Hayley.
 Alyssa was cracking me up. She put on swim goggles and didn't realize she had a piggy nose going on!
 When baby Lindy got up from her nap, she came to join in the pool fun!
 Reid got the courage up to go down the slide all by himself.
 One happy boy!
 Proud of himself ;) To cute.
 He did not want to stop going down the slide. He was loving it!
 Alyssa, Aubrey, Shane
 Baby Lindy and my cute mom. They have really bonded this trip!
 I cant get enough of Lindy....as you can see! Oh her juicy cheeks!
I loved this picture of Reid wanting to get back in the pool! To funny and cute! It was an awesome day at the pool!

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