a day at the park

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Monday, my family and  I got to come to California! This is the first time in a year since we have all 5 Bang girls together! Wahoo! Tuesday, we spent a super fun day at La Paz Regional Park. It is beautiful, has tons of areas to play, climb, sit and relax under shade, tons of gazebos with tables, playgrounds, just overall awesome! There is also tons of geese and ducks all around! Watch out for poop....
For lunch we picked up lots of buckets of KFC! Oh it was so delicious and perfect for a day at the park!
I can not get enough of Lindy! Everything about her is perfect! Her little noises, her cute toes, big blue eyes, smiles, everything!
Such a happy, sweet girl!

All the kids, and some new friends they made at the park, playing in the river.
Shane, Mallory, Brandon in the back, Bryce, Gavin, Dean.
My cute sister Amber.
I just love little Reid!
King of the rock.
Throwing feathers in the pond.
This picture just melts my heart. My 2 favorites :) Lindy and Tuna.
Giving Tuna a little kiss :) She is going to be a great mommy!
I love this picture of Shane! He has the cutest smile ever! We had so much fun at the park! We played there for 5 hours had a blast!

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