children grow up way to fast...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy November! This week has been an interesting week of weather! It has been fun! Tuesday was super rainy all day! I started reading a new book called Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes. I found it at Barnes and Noble when I was looking for a new book to read. I really liked the book. Some parts were kinda gruesome, like a little boy getting his eyes pecked out by a raven, but it explains everything in the end and it adds more realness and excitement to the story! I would totally recommend it for a fun fantasy adventure book. Jake brought home yummy Rubios fish tacos for dinner and a lobster burrito! He wanted to try it out and it was pretty good. I think the fish tacos and chips are my favorite thing on the Rubios menu. After dinner we went to a snowboarding meeting. Jake has been so sweet and has helped me every night this week with snowboarding stuff.

Jake and I have been sick all week so we have been trying to take it easy! So all Wednesday I read and finished up Peter Nimble and started on #4 of Artemis Fowl! Here is Jake being so sweet when he went around for four hours with me taping flyers, and taking them door to door! We stopped and put flyers at Jdawgs and even got some yummy hotdogs for dinner! Staceypants came and joined later in the evening! It was great to see her and have her help!
This by far is the best Artemis Fowl book of the collection so far! I LOVED it. I am so excited to start readying number 5! I finished it Thursday afternoon, and was feeling really good, so started to clean up the house!
Thursday night for dinner we ate at Cafe Rio and had a yummy exploding pork burrito! Then we headed to the Scera Theater for a snowboarding movie premier! The sun setting was beautiful tonight.
To our surprise, Jakes brother Cameron walked in with his friends while we were there! It was fun to meet his friends. I really enjoyed seeing a lot of snow friends and seeing people I have not seen in awhile.
 Jake found a large diamond on a pirate display! He put it back though incase it was cursed!
Wouldn't a diamond this big be lovely? haha or some serious over kill
When we got home it was time to clean the turtle tank! Jake did such a good job cleaning out a gunky filter! He is the best! I was dying at how big the turtles are now. They have gotten sooo big! To the left is Herbie very very tiny and little. To the right is Herbie tonight and how he barley fits in my hand anymore.
I can't believe how much Herbie has grown. Don't tell anyone he's my favorite. I know you are not supposed to have favorite children, but Herbie and I grew such a bond from the start when we met each other for the first time, I can't help it. Jake and I actually got the turtles from my mom when we first started dating. On the left is Herbie and I at Christmas 2009, and on the right, Herbie November 3, 2011. I can't believe this is the same turtle! All the turtles still have their same cute faces though!
I am just reminiscing looking at these pictures of the turtles when they were so young. I remember how Herbie was so little I would take him with me everywhere. Go to the movies together, go grocery shopping, go for car rides together. I guess him and I could still do those kinds of things, but I think he likes it better in his tank.
I can't believe Jake and I will have had the turtles for two years this Christmas. We need to take new family pictures to show how much our family is growing. Just kidding, but I do want to get updated pictures of the turtles. The turtles have brought us tons of happiness. I love always coming home to turtles who are so excited to see us! I am glad we cleaned the tank tonight so the turtles have a nice clean tank to sleep in tonight! Now time to go start my new Artemis Fowl book!


  1. hahah this just made me laugh, you two are funny!! i LOVE you blue i shadow? liner? looks great!!!

  2. okay did i really just put i shadow or eye shadow? must be too early for me ;-)

  3. Our 4 turtles are 7 years old, I never thought we'd have them this long. Love Herbie.
