I am 24!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today is my 24th birthday! Wahoo! It was an awesome day! Jake woke me up with my favorite breakfast! Chocolate chip pancakes! Yum! Then I got to play my new Mario game! I stayed up last night till 4am playing it and woke up wanting to play it more! I guess thats how you know its a good game!
Jakes grandma was so cute and sent me a card with a cute key chain in it! She is the best! Thanks everyone for all the birthday calls and texts and messages! So much fun!
Later that day Jake and I went and check on the boutique to make sure everything was looking nice and clean, and then headed up Provo Canyon to go to Sundance! It was a beautiful drive with all the fresh snow from the night before.
 I liked all the icicles on the sides of the buildings at Sundance.
 Jake and I ate at the deli! I was wanting a good sandwich! They were a bit behind today, which was fine because it was just fun hanging out, so they made us an extra sandwich and brought us two huge chocolate chip cookies! It was awesome! Maybe they knew it was my birthday. haha
 We got the bacon, turkey, avocado sandwich! It was delicious!
 Lambchops and Tuna playing in the snow!

Then Jake and I went back to Bijou Market for one last time and bought a few more things and got everything cleaned up and taken home! I love the narwhal head we got, the new pictures, and I got this sprinkler thing to hang my necklaces on. When we got home we counted up the inventory to see what was there! I think the sale went pretty good for Utah. 
Then Jake and I went to the movies and saw breaking dawn. I would have to say this is defiantly the worst movie I have ever seen. There was no plot to it, and each scene took sooo long. I was getting really antsy. But maybe its because I never read the books so I wasn't feeling it? I don't know. If I had kids, I wouldn't let them see this 4th movie. No bueno. I did really enjoy my large buttered popcorn and sluprie though! That was a highlight!
Sunday night, Jakes parents were cute and made me a birthday dinner! It was fun to see them and have a birthday cake! Jakes mom did such a cute job on it!
After we blew out some candles, we watched Elf. I love that movie more every time I watch it. Such a great movie! I want to watch it again before christmas! Well, this has been a more than awesome birthday! Thanks everyone for making it such a special 24 for me!

1 comment

  1. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and i LOVE the new blog look! so nice and fresh. and i TOTALLY agree about twilight, except that i laughed the entire time
