spare change for a rainy day

Monday, November 21, 2011

Today has been great rainy day! I got to sleep in, and get tons of errands done! I went to the bank and found out they had a coin machine, and wanted to take advantage of that. I went to the mall today and found my old hair school friend David working at Nordstrom. It was fun to see him and catch up. Nordstrom in Orem is shutting down. Crazy huh? I never thought that would happen. When Jake got home from work, we emptied our piggy bank change into plastic bags and went to the bank!
Getting ready to go to the bank! Guess what? We had $99 dollars in change! I guess it pays to save your change! My piggy is now empty and needs to be fed again soon.
For dinner Jake and I went to the Riverwoods again to go to Happy Sumo. It looked so beautiful out with the lights shinning on the wet ground from the rain. There is something so magical about lots of christmas lights.
For dinner we got tempura veggies, seared tuna and crab wantons! It was great! I love food!
It has been a lovely day! When we got home, I played my Mario game on Nientedo. I pulled a muscle in my neck and can't turn left. I guess I am an ambiturner. Really I took the rest of the night easy playing Nientedo and almost beat the whole Mario game! Whoop whoop!

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